I Will Take the Q So He Doesn’t

Event Date

Apr 08, 2023

Cold and rainy made it look like it was just going to be Sonar and myself until about 7:02 until Clark came in with Bertha to follow shortly. Sonar said, ” We better take the Q before Clark does some workout we don’t want to do.” So I took the Q. 

Mosey to the gym cover due to rain. Somewhat of the long way there. 


10 Toy Soldiers IC 

10 Cotton Pickers IC 

20 Monkey Humpers IC 

The Thang

10 Merkins OYO 

15 Squats OYO 


20 Lunges (10 on each side) OYO

1 minute of wall sits.

Run about a half mile lap

Repeato for I think 6 rounds total. 


20 LBC IC 

10 Horrizontal box cutters IC 

10 Horrizontal box cutters the other way IC

10 Flutter kicks IC 

Recover, Recover


Matt 18:20 

Where two or three gather as my followers. I am there among them. 

There is a question on what this means and are we understanding it correctly. 

I believe it is literal and means exactly what it says. 


We may have been able to skip Clark’s painful workout on this day, but he brought Shark-nado on Monday and that sucked.

Sonar said even if it was just us two we would have had two do some sort of workout. 

Bertha missed having his cell phone for one day, but he got it back. 

There was a lot of chatter about changing things up after the first couple of rounds. YHC figured if this group was saying that it must have been good. 

Clark was nice enough to remind me of exactly when we started the wall sits every round after the 2nd.  

Thank you guys for letting me lead and I am sorry about the rain. 
