I “won” toss the boss.

Event Date

Mar 12, 2020

Additional Pax:  STP and Squeeeee.


We started at the launchpad and the Q was yours truly after "winning" toss the boss.  I never win coin tosses….

A quick warmup with some SSH, stretching, merkens, and off to the track.  We started with a plank time bomb on the track and someone (aka Tiny) suggested we couldnt do a Merkein time bomb.  Sensing the mumble chatter was questioning my manhood, we started with a snake around the stadium and then jogged to the opposite side of the track to attempt the merkein timebomb (the one that Tiny and Grouch bet we couldn't do).  They may have been right as we added some downdogs to make it all the way around, but we did make it and my triceps are feeling the 78 merkeins (while planking).  We were well over 100 merkeins for the night.  There was also a second lap around the track with a round of ab exercises (50 lbc's, 25 freddy mercs and 10 WWWII sit ups)  Then, we met at the tunnel for a second round of abs (lbc's, freddy mercs and low/high flutters).  I added a little stretching to give YHQ a chance to recover and then finished off with a 1/2 snake in the stadium and an indian run to the green for more abs to the bell.  

I loved every minute of it and learned a lack of planning helps my counting.