I would [lunge] walk a quarter mile…

Event Date

Mar 30, 2016

I had planned to call this workout “But DOMS Legs Though” but when Closer started singing the lyrics to “I’m gonna be” (I would walk 500 miles) I knew I just had to change the title.

15 IC Windmill

‘Merican Clock

Mosey to the track, 1 lap Indian run

400M Lunge Walk…wait…WTF did he just say.  Yes your legs will curse the Q in 3, 2, 1…GO.  No half ass lunges either. Get that knee down.  1/4 mile or 1 lap of lunges.

Take a seat and stretch it out, massage it out.  Feel the lactate! Stretch the hammies and the quads

15 IC Carolina Dry Docks
10 IC Pseudo Planche ‘Mericans
20 OYO V-ups

Mosey to the rock pile
10 IC Shoulder Presses, 10 IC Curls, 10 IC Skull Crushers, 10 IC Rows…REPEATO

10 IC Dr.W
10 IC Low Flutter
10 IC Freddy Mercury
30 Sec Mason Twist

Philippians 4:6-7 (NRSV)

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Have you ever thought that something on your mind isn’t worthy of praying about.  This has been one of my thoughts a lot in the past, and I’m praying to change.  This is something my M is teaching me.  Recently we purchased a new vehicle and she was religiously praying about whether this was the right choice or not.  My thought going into this was “God’s not going to care whether or not we buy a car, he has more important prayers to consider.”  I couldn’t be any more wrong, but time and time again I think my prayers aren’t worthy because “they’re too small”

1 Peter 5:7 (NRSV) ”Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”


  • Did the cold weather this morning cause some fartsacks?  What gives?  4 on a Wednesday?  Boo!
  • Everyone can pretty much guess what the crowd pleaser was!
  • Abrams really liked it though.  So much so that he was the first PAX finished and them came back and finished with the six.
  • Closer and Mulligan are already hanging the national championship banner for their beloved Tar Holes.
  • I KNOW my legs will experiences DOMS today or tomorrow rather, and then a couple days past that.  I can already feel my knees wanting to buckle when I walk.
  • Thanks for letting me lead you today!
  • Thanks SugarCookie for the inspiration for today’s workout.  I have no idea how you managed a freaking MILE of lunges.