I Yam What I Yam

Event Date

Jul 28, 2021

Seven of Mountain Island’s finest came out to Muscle Beach to enjoy the humidity and get swoll. It was rather swell.


SSH (Q only counted and abstained due to continuing stress fracture rehab), Windmill, Cherry Pickers, and Arm circles x2 (little to big)

The Thang

High rep dumbbell exercises as follows

  • 777’s / Wrist curls / Bent over curls

  • Bridge bench press with one leg extended / Bridge fly humpers / Bridge OH extensions with tri press

  • Squat with OH press / Dead lift upright row / Front and side raise / Chicken wing

  • Curb dips / Skull crusher / Tri extensions / Calf raises

  • W ups / OH pull crunch / 1/2 Turkish get ups


  • Q was a bit slow on the chalk application this am

  • Rep numbers were fairly random and shared just before the sets so as to not let the crew get too comfortable

  • Overheard during the workout when somebody reached for their 25lb dumbbells: “I yam what I am” (Popeye reference)

  • Polyp removed during the colonoscopy was apparently the size of a Mike & Ike and/or Hot Tamale candy

  • There was an official ruling that a “fairway re-tee” during a golf round is not at all legit

  • Overheard during the workout: My name is Humpty. Pronounced with an ‘umpty. Yo ladies, oh how I like to thump thee

  • Due to copyright protection, the “OH Pull Crunch” exercise can only be mentioned and performed with the express written consent of El Tigre

  • Question: “Ever hear of propophol?” Answer: “Hee hee” (in a Michael Jackson tone)

  • This morning’s humidity levels were ridiculous. Or was it the workout?

  • Lake Norman is celebrating their 10 year anniversary with a convergence on Saturday August 21.They are trying to have every subregion (including your very own MIL) help do a portion of the workout. Looking for some support, and additional details to be shared.

  • Great work men!!!!