Ice Box

Event Date

Feb 08, 2020


FNG-1 is 2.0 Hooper
Woke up to 20-30 degree temps…packed the SUV with some boxing stuff…with my windows covered with frost…drove to the AO Ace Ventura pet detective style…fortunately, the AO is only down the street from my house
Stretch: Right leg over Left
Stretch: Left leg over Right
15 IC Windmills
15 IC Plank Jacks
15 IC Mtn Climbers
Road Work:
Indian run from the AO to Clubhouse: last in line drops for 3 Merkins, before running to the front.
  At the Clubhouse: 50 Total OYO any combo: Merkins and/or WWIIs
Indian run from the Clubhouse to the AO: last in line drops for 3 Merkins, before running to the front.
  At the AO: 50 Total OYO any combo: Merkins and/or WWIIs
Pain Stations (2 rounds):
1 pax runs top of Crepe Ridge (left from AO) and back as the timer, Stations are:
 – Colt 45,
 – Skull Crushers,
 – 1980s Sears Roebuck barbell (pax decide: curls, sholder press, whatever)
 – Jump Rope,
 – Punching Bag (jabs, right crosses, just throw whatever you got)
Six Minutes of Mary aka 6MOM:
 – 3 minutes: WWI Sit Ups
 – 3 minutes: Freddie Mercury
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 
 – Strudel killed the workout, as always…while reminiscing about the SlamBall workout from Thurs.
 – This was just a warm up for Cheetah, prepping to demo stuff in the early AM after this.
 – Anvil throwing some vicious combos at the bag.
 – Shirley waits until the workout is over, for the feat of strength: to deadlift the steel heavybag base with two 100 lb. sandbags still on it.
Good times were had