Ice the Cake and Light the Candles


29 of F3 LKN’s finest came out for a belated birthday beatdown courtesy of Tagless.  At least 5 ran the standard led by Master Q Auto.


Not registered: Stapler, The Magnificent (Harrisburg), Roadie, Greg B (FNG 1st post), Dave Gonzales (FNG 1st post)



·         Warm-up lap to 17th tee and back with Karoki Left&Right,  High Knees,  and Butt Kickers.

·         SSH x 46 IC;  Cotton Pickers x 15 IC; ISTs x 15 IC; Mountain Climbers x 10 IC



5-layer cake

o    5 burpees OYO + run lap around parking lot

o    5 burpees + 15 Merkins SC OYO + run lap

o    5 burpees + 15 Merkins + 25 squats SC OYO + run lap

o    5 burpees + 15 Merkins + 25 squats + 35 Apollo Ono’s OYO + run lap

o    5 burpees + 15 Merkins + 25 squats + 35 Apollo Ono’s + 46 LBCs OYO + run lap


Bridge Work

Mosey to Calahan’s bridge

·         10 Up & Overs OyO. Bear crawl across bridge and back after last rep.

·         1-minute of people’s chair with 20 air-presses IC.

·         Incline Peter Parkers x 15 IC


Mid-month Mini Murph

·         Mosey to pull-up bars for 10 pull-ups / 20 CDDs / 30 Squats  x 3



·         Low Flutter x 20 IC / J-Lo x 15 IC



·         Welcome to the two FNGs (Greg B. and Dave Gonzales) on their first post—get the guys who brought you to keep you accountable. It does not get easier, but you will get stronger. Iron Sharpens Iron.

·         T-claps to Eric Sabine for his 2nd post and henchforth named “Roadie” from Schneider for his prowess on the guitar.

·         T-claps to Schneider for his perseverance through recovering from injury. Great to see your smiling face back in the gloom.

·         Great showing by all the members of RESPECT: Stromboli, Axel, Teramisu, Binary, Perrier and Grand Prix, and High Roller

·         Thanks for all the well wishes for my 46th birthday—despite all the mumble chatter about the layer cake ladder.  To borrow Lou Gerhig’s line, I am the luckiest guy on earth—surrounded by loving family and friends; physically able to participate and lead in F3 workouts and CSAUP events; and, thanks in part to F3, my faith has grown. My awareness and empathy for my fellow man has been heightened. F3 has helped to ensure that each day I live so that I am neither ashamed of yesterday nor afraid of tomorrow; and, always remember that I am 3rd.

·         Thanks to Auto for the privilege of leading at Arnie’s Army. I now know not to ask you for 10-counts! Always a large, enthusiastic and boisterous Pax at one of my favorite AOs in LKN.