If he dies. He dies

So Monday arrived again.  5 of us showed a little early to pre-ruck.  11 of us took on the Monster Mile.  Man Hands finished his daily poop in a random grassy knoll, and gave us the thumbs up that we are cleared to launch.  We started with a light mosey around the church.  Immediately, the complaining started.  As Jolly Rodger said when he was guest Q a month ago: "It was then that I stopped caring.  Just kidding.  I never cared". 

Mtn Climber x15
SSH x15
Merican x15

Mosey to School parking lot across the street.  The school has a new-ish, oval shaped, paved turn around on the side of the school.  It also happens to have a declining grade.  We tried it out. 

Run one lap, stop at the top for 1 merican.  
Repeato 5 more times increasing merican count at the top (half of those laps were quadrophilia up)

Mosey to the stairs
bear crawl all three sets of stairs, running in between>
Continue merican count at the bottom (x5)

Suffle to the grassy hill.
Finish our 15 sets with quadrophilia up and running down the hill
(Contra sees the hill and is overwhelmed with joy)

Mosey to basketball court
Split up into two groups
Group one does beautiful burpees
Group two runs suicides
Flip flop till we are out of time.

Mosey to the flag.  

Here is the brief exchange between Man Hands and I as I paused before we ran back.
Man Hands: "Why are you stopping?"
Me: "I think Agent Orange and Trilam are going to die."
Man Hands: "If they die.  They die.  Let's go."


1.  We did 15 reps of pretty much everything. I can't believe it's been 15 years since the attacks.
2.  Trilam crapped his pants during Mary.  No seriously.  
3.  Man Hands wants the "partner carry" to be renamed "The Hillary".
4.  Tick Tock and Cupcake almost got in a fight with multiple biker gangs over the weekend.  Ask them about the story.
5.  As much as I hate running, we sure did a lot today. 
6.  Honored to know and work out with all of you hill people.  Thanks for letting me lead Shack. 
7.  Contra wants to Q on a Monday.  He likes the hill.  That should scare us all. 
8.  We thanked God that our Race City brothers made it back safely from the BRR.