If More Than 1 Gathers, We Will Workout

Event Date

Aug 26, 2023

I pulled into the parking lot just a few minutes early only to see no cars! I knew that this could be the case given that it was Dad’s Camp weekend. I was thinking I should have converged with either The Estate or Bedrock when another vehicle pulled into a parking spot too close to be a churchgoer.

Panzer hopped out of his truck, we made quick introductions and away we went.

We warmed up, jogged a little, picked up pavers, and made our way to the lower lot. We did this a few times when suddenly Rocket showed up to join us.

One thing for sure on this Saturday morning…we sweated.

Coffeteria at NY Bagel confirmed my suspicions, turnout was light there as well. Should have converged.

I need some Q’s, particularly over the next few Saturdays, to make Mighty Jungle Great Again.


