If you do Burpees during your Birthday Q, your Birthday wishes don’t come true *

* At least that is what MQ Rooter said before the workout.

FNG-1 = Shawn McClure (sp?), first post friend of AM-PM.

It was a hot and humid day on Saturday.  YHC ran the RR10k with 9 Lives, Excelsior led by Snake Eyes; and didn't have much left in the tank for The Estate.  Nonetheless, we tried.  Here is roughly what went down:


  • Grab ALL the cinder blocks and get them to the other corner on the track, the part where there is a bit of straight track coming off the oval.
  • Arrange blocks in a 6 x 3 grid on the ground.
  • Disclaimer given
  • Press Jacks x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Glute raise x 1 min
  • Toy Soldiers x 10 IC

The Thing:

Partner up.  There was 1 team of 3 because we had an odd number.

  • Lower back raises off the blocks x 10 OYO with your partner holding your legs
  • Flip flop
  • Everyone else – low flutters AMRAP
  • Repeato until everyone did the back raises
  • Conclusion:  Not every idea is a keeper, lol. 

Arrange blocks in a nice 2 x 2 box or 2 x 1 for:

  • Partner 1:  Box Jumps on blocks x 20 OYO
  • Partner 2:  Elbow plank?  Can't remember.  That's what I get for waiting so long to write this #BB.  #Cobains.

Get your blocks back from the stack.

  • Partner 1:  Front Shoulder Press
  • Partner 2:  Bent over rows with blocks
  • All x 10 IC together
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1:  Skull crushers
  • Partner 2:  Curls
  • All x 10 IC together
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1:  Farmer carry both blocks a ways out and return
  • Partner 2:  Elbow plank?

We did a lap around the track at some point.  YHC almost cramped up.  So we did some stretching after that, shamelessly.

Back to the blocks:

  • Everyone:  Bent over rows x 10 IC.  Shake arms out.
  • Repeato but decrease reps to 8 IC
  • LBCs x 20 IC
  • Chest Press x 10 IC  (Overheard from 98 Degrees:  Oh he remembered another exercise.  Lol)
  • LBCs x 16 IC
  • Chest Press x 8 IC
  • Everyone lunge walk a ways and back

There may have been more that I'm forgetting?

Return blocks.  Mosey to the playground area for some station work:

  • Station 1:  Swing crunches
  • Station 2:  Decline Mericans on the tire swing
  • Station 3:  Dips on the bench
  • Station 4:  Step ups on the…steps
  • Station 5:  More dips, but on a different bench!  (Clearly running out of ideas)

Mosey towards our cars for Mary.


  • Glute raises x 1 min
  • Maybe some elbow plank?
  • More stretches, until YHC realized that cramping was inevitable.  We ended a generous 90 seconds early!


  1. A hearty welcome to FNG Shawn!  AM-PM, we hope you bring him out again so we can give him his F3 knickname.  This is the part where some might write "It doesn't get easier, but you get stronger…etc." but let's be honest, Shawn was fitter than most FNGs.  Nice work gents.
  2. 66 reminded Shawn and others that we work out at this location on Tuesdays too!  Tantrum has the Q tomorrow at Fallout I believe.
  3. We asked strong dudes like Nacho Libre and Burning Bush to carry more than their fair of blocks on the way back.  Appreciate you guys!
  4. Speaking of Burning Bush, thank you for the hospitality on Saturday and for hosting a great party.  Got to chat it up with 66, 98 Degrees, Calypso, Freedom, Jaws, Mayhem, Rooter, and Snake Eyes.  I'd say THAT was a nice Saturday bros.
  5. Strong double downs from 98 Degrees, Calypso, Mayhem; and great lead by Snake Eyes.  Appreciate that everyone stayed for The Estate.  Believe Calypso recruited 98 Degrees to form another BRR team.  Even if that isn't true, it is now written here in a #BB so it must be true. 
  6. Happy Gilmore has been getting after it at more AOs now, which is good because we can clearly use some more ideas at The Estate my friend!
  7. Elmers has 10 years on YHC but you certainly wouldn't know it from Saturday's workout.  Glad to see you back out regurlarly and great catching up over bagels.
  8. Freedom I'm sorry to miss your Q today at Titan.  Stil recovering from the weekend I suppose. 
  9. Speaking of Titan, Jaws could use a couple more Qs in August.  Let's help a brother out!
  10. Rooter:  Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  There were no Burpees, hence all my Birthday wishes did come true.  That is, a great weekend with family, friends, and 3 hours of hard work on a hot Saturday morning.  Doesn't get much better than that.   
