If You Q It, They Will Come

17 Men (Pax plus Tipper, Venus, Wild Thang) and 2 2.0s posted to get battle ready on this very hot morning.  Don't forget to register.

Big showing and the workout went a little like this …

Warm Up


20 x Mountain Climbers IC

20 x Tempo Merkins

Parking Lot mosey with burpee at every island (15 burpees in total) and 5 merkins at flag pole

The Thang

Head to the track

Team up

Teams must complete each of the following

1 Mile run

100 x Derkins

100 x Dips on bleachers

Hold plank until all are finished

Mosey to down under bar

Team up

100 x downunders palms towards you

100 x downunders palms facing

only one member can be doing bar work at a time … hold squat until it is your turn

Mosey to loading dock stopping for 3 wall climbs

Converge at loading dock

Wall sits with air presses while others do 5 x loading dock jump ups each side rotating through

Mosey back to warm up stopping for 20 OYO incline merkins at flower bed


25 IC LBCs

10 x Low plank knee-ups (Inside, middle, out) – right

10 x IC Low flutters

10 x Low plank knee-ups (Inside, middle, out) – Left



“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:20-21 NIV)

Good reminder to love what is good, hate what is evil however don’t let what is evil overtake you. Look for the good in the world and be sure to acknowledge it, which is increasingly difficult during our current times where evil is returned with evil. This is not HIS will.



  • PAX just kept rolling in this morning … great turnout on a very hot morning !

  • Welcomed visitor from Tennessee … Kenny West … owns a cattle ranch in Texas so we dub thee Tipper ….Hope to see you post every time you are in town

  • Glad to have Bertha join us after first post being the murph and not being skeered away… comment made on this being a great way to start the day

  • I was the odd man out today, the one man wolf pack, so I did half of the team exercises. Sux not to be picked 😉