I’ll have a Double Stacked Viking please

vinegar Bend and Kermit in attendance not on website




Exercises and running in between.


Partner up.

P1 does burpees (10)

P2 runs a lap around the parking lot


Repeat x 5


Head up for a large Rock (if you can find one)


Double stack


Curls x 15 IC

Run down hill

Prison jump jack burpees to 4 (do a burpee with a push up and a jumping jack and then add a push up and jumping jack till you get to 4 total)

Run back


Curls x 15 ic

Upright row x 15 ic

Run down hill

Prison jump jack burpees to 4

15 1/4 turn jump squats

Run back


Curls x 15 ic

Upright row x 15 ic

Shoulder press x 15 ic

Run down hill

Prison burpees jump jack

15 1/14 turn squats

20 mountain climbers ic

Run back


Curls x 15 ic

Upright row x 15 ic

Shoulder press x 15 ic

Bent over row x 15 ic

Run down hill

Prison jump jack burpees to 4

15 1/4 turn squats

20 mountain climbers ic

30 crunchy frog

run back up hill

Curls x 15 ic

Upright row x 15 ic

Shoulder press x 15 ic

Bent over row x 15 ic

Run over to picnic benches


Rocky balboas on bench


crunchy frog sitting on benc


More dips

More crunchies


Even more dips

Even more crunchies

Run back to home base

No Time for Mary, sorry!

  • Thanks Stromboli for the Q, enjoyed hitting up the viking and bringing some of the regular blenderites there
  • Viking is a great AO where great people were named (well me anyway, thanks Stromboli)
  • Prayers for Houston
  • Step up and take the Q here and other locations, it's time!
