I’m a lumberjack and I’m ok…

It was a glorious morning as 7 PAX and Sky the dog skipped the Fart Sack and entered the Mighty Jungle. Little did they know but they would all be competing in the lumberjack games this fine day.

Disclaimer as the late arrivers joined and then Mosey around the parking lot to the pull-up bars.
Greet the beautiful morning with the Good Morning burpee
Slow Windmill 20 IC
Slow Dwight Shrutes 20 IC
Toy Soldier 20 IC
Moroccan Night Club 25 IC
Let the games begin
Everyone grab a log – we determined that Rocket needs to weigh each and properly label them. Some were heavier than others, just saying.
Logs up and we were moseying to the middle of the parking lot
Logs down for log deadlifts – grab the ends of the logs for this deadlift to stress your grip as well 10 IC
Log Curls 10 IC
Log Press 10 IC
Logs up and mosey to the top of the hill to the school
Log Squats 10 IC
Logs up and mosey to the school and drop your logs to the curb
Mericans 10 IC
Log Dry Docks 10 IC
Move the log from the curb and balance on the log for mountain climbers 10 IC (that was tough as it was a core and balance exercise)
Logs up and mosey to the retaining wall
Logs down and jump up to sit on the wall
Wall Dips or Nut Crushers (BB takes the honor for the name) – this was more difficult than remembered
Hop down and grab the top of the wall, and place your feet at the bottom of the wall for a deep back stretch
While grabbing the wall lean back and place your feet on the wall about 1-2 feet up for the next challenge
Wall Monkey Humpers 5 IC
Logs up and mosey to the Bear Crawl loop
Start rolling the log while bear crawling – Blackbeard took top honors here. The rest of us abandoned that and Bear Crawled 1/2 way around the loop and plank walked the other 1/2 of the loop. All of this while avoiding the rolling log which “got away” from BB at the top of the loop.
Logs up and mosey to the stairs for 4 stair climbs with the log, both up and down
Logs up and mosey to the first row in the parking lot where YHC instructed all pax to drop their logs. Then they lined up next to one another up the row. YHC picked up each log and passed them to Deep Dish, who passed to Titan, who passed to BB, who passed to Knock-out, who passed to Omega, who passed to Little P, who collected them all. Then Little P reversed the passing until YHC collected them all. Then we did it again and rotated so each PAX had the chance to be the end PAX and collect all logs.
Logs up and mosey back to drop the logs. It was. At this point BB shamed us all with his log rolling ability. He rolled his log from the top entrance of the lot and it made it all the way to the curb by the block and log storage. Impressive feat. YHC tried and didn’t get anywhere close to the distance or even the direction as it veered into other lots and curbs. 
Logs back for 5 pull-ups OYO
Circle up for Mobility moment
Recover Recover
Titan brought Sky with him the entire workout and didn’t drop the log on either of them. That is impressive.
Knock-out hasn’t posted much lately though you would never know by the way he crushed the workout. Thanks for the coffee as well.
Deep Dish and Little P are a father-son force to be reckoned with. They have been posting together and lift each other while still getting in some great mumble chatter at each others expense. Nicely done.
Blackbeard commandeered YHC’s coupon during the Bear Crawls and left YHC with the heavier coupon. Well played, you old curmudgeon you… (S2K)
Omega was the first one to arrive after YHC. He didn’t bring the dogs this time and Sky let him know. Also, it is great to see he walked away from his Jeep accident with merely a scratch (S2K).
Thanks for joining me today and going on this journey. We covered a little over a mile and our shoulders will be thanking us all weekend. I really enjoyed the coffeteria to top it all off. 
This is a great AO so sign-up to Q if you haven’t lately or even if you have. Happy Independence Day *merica*to all. Be safe and celebrate *bourbon*this great country.
Until next time…