I’m a Midnight Toker

Event Date

Jun 22, 2020

FNG-1 = 'Lil Smokey

8-Track and YHC were waiting on Mort to arrive when someone pulls into the parking spot and hits the curb.  Track immediatley blurts out did Fenway get a new car?  'Lil Smokey comes out asking if this was that F3 workout thing.  Obviously lost we started to explain this was a running workout not a boot camp.  He seemed game for the 3 mile standard so we launched.

0530 3Mile Standard up Rte 115 to stop light at Catawba and back.  Easy 8:45-9min. pace.  During the run some interesting convo ensued.  The question of which musical instrument you would play if you had the magic ability to pick it up instantly.  Track of course said the guitar so he could get laid.  Very well played.  Lil Smokey explained he got his name because he is into sustainble affordable housing made from hemp.  Some house are made of wood, some from bricks, and some from straw.  This man is looking to captialize on the growing Green wave.  Lil Smokey only ran the standard, but for not knowing he was going to be running when he showed up. . . it was a solid 3 mile run.  Good work brother!

0600  Fireball route was switch up from the usual.  8:30-45min. pace. Across Bailey Rd. to Washam Potts and back down Rte. 115 rounding out in the parking lot for 5.25.  It is great to switch it up, and YHC personally likes the constand but steady climb on Washam Potts.  It was assumed since it is summer and many are still working remotely traffic would by minimal.  We quickly found out why this route doesn't get repeated often.  There was a constant flow of traffic making running it dicey.  Where are these people coming from / going to?  The usual and unusual occured.  Someone who's name rhymes with Alice had a Code Brown.  Crab Legs was wearing a Canadian visor instead of his patriotic garb.  Mort and Track missed PT so much we all went around the horn and shared our favorite PT stories.  PT we miss you. . . you 'some bi%ch

COT post run followed by a car show.  Mort and Crab Legs just got new cars.  Looking sharp.  Dallas's computer with 4 wheels with the show stopper.  Track's shorts were more on show then his Sonatra.  YHC drives a european taxi. . . so nothing to report there. 

It was a humid soaker but the company and conversation made it manageable.  All got off on the right foot to start our week.  Let's see what next week of #Fireball brings.

Aye, LF