I’m all out of love

FNG-1 is Wildthing, Hey Blackbeard can we just rename FNG-1 to Wildthing.  I'm pretty sure he has been named FNG-1 about 20 times and refuses to register.  Or better yet, maybe we just change his name from Wildthing to FNG-1…

So many choices for a theme today.  It's the day after Valentine's day.  It's 1 week after my 3rd year anniversary, and we all know how much Blackbeard likes the abundance of recent anniversary workouts.  I decided no theme would be chosen…except for pain. 14 posted today.  That's a great turnout given the chance for rain today.

25 SSH
20 IC Mt. Climbers
15 IC Copperhead Squat
(YHC comes in hot. The spacewatch may or may not have awoken me at 0445, but alas at 0522 something did)
10 IC Cotton Pickers

The Thang
Partner up for "Catch me if you can" for one lap around the parking lot ending at the gravel path at the front of the school. Partner A runs quadraphilia, while partner B does 3 burpees, then sprints to catch partner A and FLIP FLOP

Mosey down to the rock pile and grab one.  Carry said coupon to the pull-up bar.

Rotate through the pull-up bars completing 10 pull-ups while awaiting PAX does Curls

Now to make the legs hurt…
50 squats (25 IC) with the rock, run 400m
20 IC Mericans
40 squats (20 IC) with the rock, run 400m
20 IC Mericans
30 squats (15 IC) with the rock, run 400m
20 IC Mericans
20 squats (10 IC this time Q ensures Snoop IS higher than your squat…low deep squats) with the rock, run 400m
20 IC Mericans
…out of time for the rest

Return the rocks

15  IC LBC
15 IC Low Flutter
10 IC Box cutter
5 IC Dr. W
10 IC each side Hip Dip
30 sec. American Hammer
Final Exercise, the Star Gazer leading to the Factoid of the day…

Factoid of the day.  Today is the birthday of Galileo and Susan B Anthony

Since Love is in the air, 1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

So today may seem like I do not love you guys.  I am not patient for your mumblechatter.  I am not kind, I make your legs hurt. We are all envious of Abrams speed even while injured…well you get the point, but seriously I'd do about anything for this fine group of men.   1 Corinthians 13:4 isn't just about the love you share with your M's, it's about the love you share with everyone.


  • Q Overslept like a champ.  T-claps to Ziplock for covering the warmup.  I guess he was kinda in debt on this one…
  • When the Q arrived and attempts to call out another COP exercise he was met with "We already did that". Finally one was found.
  • A couple of SVU's dedicated to doing something besides running posted today.  Thanks Gecko and Dandelion
  • 14 was some strong numbers given the threat of rain.  Luckily the rain held off just long enough.