I’m Gonna Rock This House

Event Date

Sep 10, 2022



With our BRR brothers running through the mountains and the rainy forecast, we anticipated a small crew.  Two stalwarts emerged from the gloom and encouraged each other to be better.  Here's the damage…

SSH, Gma Maters, Windmills, merkins

Mosey back to the back playgound…
***noticing the long stretch of dry sidewalk unaffected by the drizzle…
10 pull ups
each grabs a block
return to the front playground and take advantage of some tree cover

20 trifectas
40 woolie worms
40 squats
40 supine imaginary yoga ball pass
40 merkins
LBH run, run to the back, 10 pull ups

20 trifectas
40 woolie worms
40 squats
10 Bennifers
40 merkins
run to p.lot and pickup water bottles
run to the back, 10 pull ups

20 trifectas
40 woolie worms
40 squats
40 alternating hand-toe touch lift crunches
40 merkins
blocks back to the back
10 pull ups

reflection John 11:35
"Jesus wept."
* known as the shortest verse in the Bible
* recent message at Pursuit included a new perspective for me
* You may know that this is part of the "Lazarus being raised from the dead" story.  After Lazarus has died, his family was grieving deeply.
* And Jesus wept.
* Jesus was compassionate, knowing how deeply sad the family was.  He felt their sadness and wept with them.
* The new perspective for me was that Jesus also knew that in a few minutes, Lazarus would be raised from the dead.  Even though he knew this would be a great miracle and a joyful moment for the family, Jesus was compassionate to their sadness at the moment.  And wept with them.
* I don't know.  It was a new perspective for me.  Maybe as we are helping others deal with grief, sometimes we need to weep with them, even if it is likely that better news is ahead.
* #BeCompassionate

* Tonka and I had a great time suffering through this workout.  I know our shoulders were barking and screaming.
* T-claps to Tonka for being #Iam3rd.  I was pretty sure it would either be the 2 of us or just me.
* Even though we were able to avoid most of the rain, we were both soaked in effort  : )
* The 3rd Round was tough and required all sorts of suffering faces and groans.
* I was 'watching' the Denver BRR team overnight on Strava, and it looks like they killed it.  Great job guys!!  Way to represent!!

Always an honor to lead