“I’m MQ and I approve this modification”

Event Date

Sep 12, 2023


AMPM started the day with a track standard, because he believed the Kamikaze involved minimal running. To be fair, the preblast did mock running, but that doesn’t mean we won’t do it. 

Warmup was minimal, because I like how the FKT guys do it. Definitely not because I still can’t count right. 

Besides WW3 sit-ups with blocks below the first hill, it was a pretty standard-fare Kamikaze. Running, hills, and lots of pain. As the reps escalated, with 10 minutes to go, the Q called for 20 burpees at the top of the last hill, and 4/7 pax had had it, leading to a mutiny. Let the meeting minutes show that Drebin, AMPM, and YHC finished the full Kamikaze only because Gambini said we wouldn’t have time to do it. My HR hit 183 on the sprint back which may be a personal high since I started F3. Thanks for pushing me.

In total we did:
~2.5 miles over the hills
35 burpees
55 WW3 situps
90 Bonnie Blairs
70 Merkins
75 jump squats
45 diamond merkins

Well. technically, I did 46 diamond merkins because Gambini asked for a demonstration and I actually did it (??) what a sucker. 

The bigger picture is that most men can’t do 25% of what we did this morning, so congrats to all 7 pax on the discipline to get through this workout in 1 piece. Thanks for the accountability.