I’m not a Professional…

…but the bones of this workout was taken from the website of someone who claims to be a professional so he must be because everything on the internet is true, right?  Regardless, the standard disclaimer applied. The liaibility for participation remains with each man alone.

The 8 Pax who ran between 3.5 and 4 miles at 6am all stayed for this workout and were joined by 5 more who also decided that the chance of both rain and pain would not deter them from getting better today. 


Pledge of Allegiance (A standard practice at The Estate)

Half-Mile Run on the track

Mosey to middle tier soccer field for a dynamic warm-up starting at the endline

10 yards out, 10 yards back for each of the following:

  • Front kick
  • Quad stretch
  • Lunge
  • Side lunge
  • Side shuffle
  • Carioca

Arm Circles – small, then big

20 Side Straddle Hop – In Cadence (IC)

20 Mount Climbers IC

15 Slow Deep Squats

15 ‘Mericans IC



30 seconds of each followed by 30 seconds of rest

  • Squat jump
  • Tuck jump
  • ‘Mericans with clap (or just push your hands off the earth)
  • Ski jumps


5 x full soccer field sprints – each sprint followed by 40 seconds of rest


Mosey to cinder blocks, pick up one double and one single

45 seconds of each exercise followed by 15 seconds of rest

  • Squat / Chest press with double block
  • ‘Merican / Back Row with single block (each arm)
  • Reverse lunge with double block
  • Spiderman ‘Merican (no block)
  • Jump lunge (no block)
  • Step-ups (pax choice on block)
  • Downward ‘mericans

Mosey to playground – 10 pullups

Return cinder blocks


Mosey to lower tier soccer field

Place 5 low profile cones in a zig-zag pattern with each cone about 15 feet apart

Starting at cone 1:

  • Set 1: sprint to each of the 4 cones, touch each cone with your hand and then sprint back to the start. REPEAT x 3
  • Set 2: sprint to cone 2, touch cone with your hand, side shuffle to 3, touch cone with your hand, sprint to cone 4, touch cone with your hand, side shuffle to cone 5, touch cone with your hand and then backpedal to the start. REPEAT x 3
  • Set 3: backpedal to cone 2, touch cone with your hand, side shuffle to 3,  touch cone with your hand, backpedal to cone 4, touch cone with your hand, side shuffle to cone 5, touch cone with your hand and then sprint to the start. REPEAT x 3



  • Homer to Marge
  • Low flutter
  • Freddy Mercury
  • The “W” – Smokey
  • The J-Lo – Grey Ghost
  • Knee lifts on your six – 9 Lives
  • Makhtar N'Diaye – Sponge Bob




Smokey brought the FNG's today – Bobby & Justin.  Bobby was visiting from Indianappolis but 9 Lives thought he was from Mindeannapolis, wherever that may be, so if he happens to be in town next week I have an idea of what his F3 name may be.  Justin was here on doctor's orders…he's a neighbor of Smokey and Don-Ho but has been resisting the pull of F3 until his doctor (Kevorkian) notated his medical records to incude a prescription for F3.  Well played doctor, well played.

Full disclosure was the choice of the Q when it came to the source of this workout.  Mumble chatter quickly ensued but was quelled like a riot with tear gas when the 120 yard sprints began.  Muah-ha-ha!

The rain held out until the Agility portion of the workout and there was much mumble chatter about that as if the Q could actually control the timing of the clouds passing over.  To appease the pax, Mary was performed under the awning of the field house to keep the focus on the pain and not the rain.  

It's always a honor to Q at The Estate so please step forward if you would like to bring your own flavor of pain to the pax.  The calendar is wide open and it's always good to get a variety of Q's to mix things up.


The Professor