I’m not a professional

14 of LKN's finest came out (post tornado warnings) to swing some kettle bells this morning.  All in cadence except where noted. Below is their story

1. Disclaimer.  I am not a professional and this morning I aim to prove it! 🙂

2. Mosey around the school (We left Macbeth on his own to do burpees)

3. Circle Up

4 . Round the world 10 each way

5 Kettlebell Swing – 20 OYO

6 Burpees – 3 OYO

7.Dead lift – 10 

8. Skull Crusher – 15

9. High Curl – 15

10. Low Curl – 15

11. Full Curl – 10

12. Goblet Squat 15

13. Sumo Squat 15

14. Lawn Mower Pulls – 10 Each arm

15. Upright Row – 10

16. Chest Press – 10

17. On your back skull crusher 10

18. Burpees – 3 OYO

Repeato and not necessarly in oder.

19. Mary was Pax choice 

20. Burpee's – 5 OYO

 Greneade expressed love for his M for waking him up during the Tornado warnings. Titan needs to find a new alarm clock and apparently doesn't know the color of Holiday's eye's ,yet they connect.  Lot's of mumble chatter about the size of my winkie this am.  (I get that a lot)  I appreciate the multiple clown cars in attendance.  

Oyster was questioning my running (Mosey) speed as well as my ability to carry cadence this am.  Always improving brother.

Moby Dick appreciate you taking us out this am

It is an absolute honor to start my week and lead such a fine group of men.  Thank You for the opportunity