I’m on Fire in the Rain

Event Date

Feb 28, 2019

Proving to Duvall yet again that the #Sweatshop is still a thing . . . 

Also Overboard, The Duke and Samsung were there.

Virgin Backblast here –

Hipster had us on the #Sweatshop schedule for 2/28 as a 60-minute special “Mystery Q,” and to my and Grouch’s surprise, none of the 10 PAX who showed (other than Hipster himself) had a clue who was leading.  Exactly 52-weeks ago Grouch and YHC Q’d the same #Sweatshop workout to celebrate his RESPECT birthday and my (-3) hospital-naming-day anniversary, on March 1, and if I recall everyone predicted exactly who was Q’ing last year.  Last night, crickets until Grouch hopped down onto the bricks into the rain and commenced with the disclosures.

Grouch – Flatley – Hipster – Hawkeye – Mayhem – Overboard – The Duke – Stalker – Samsung – Tiny

Grouch wasted little time at the Green and did not introduce his co-conspirator, standing immediately to his right.  A few SSH’s, some stretching and we were off to DUMC.  Pavers overhead to the dumpsters.  Curls / skullcrushers / overhead presses (he alleges the PAX have abandoned OP’s in recent months) x20, then a six-count manmaker that was just curls / skullcrushers / OP’s all over again, x20.  Some groaning from the PAX, but no “yikes” because no The Hangover, who previously SC'd to attend at least the warm-ups.  Some sort of diabolical pushup thingy – down/halfway/up on his call, no count, just waiting painfully for him to finish calling stuff.  Carry pavers overhead to the street, then back (more groaning). 

Grouch asks YHC for the time.  Unfortunately, only 13 minutes in.  So we repeat-o everything x15 except that we get a 10-count instead of the pushup thingy’s, then we repeat-o x10.  Shoulders, what shoulders? Then those beautiful three words: “put ‘em up.” 

7:25 and Grouch introduces his co-Q, and YHC takes off back toward the Green with a “follow me.”  We get to the corner of Main & D-C at a red light, so the Q pushes the walk button and calls a plank-out.  Curiously YHC hears moaning on that one, reminds the PAX that Tiny hasn’t prepped his [edited] list for the night.  10 PAX plank while waiting for the walk signal.  Detour here – on Tuesday Overboard took the PAX for a run down & up Goodrum x5, with merkins on top and at bottom, and YHC was the only light-bearing PAX on a very dark hill.  The PAX absolutely got chewed out by a mom (“wear bright colors and lights, I almost hit somebody last week!”) (probably Mayhem) and her 8-year-old daughter (“yeah, wear lights!”).  Because YHC was the only PAX bearing a light, guess who took the brunt of the admonishment? So I wasn’t about to run across D-C in the dark when, again, YHC had the only light present (don’t these guys learn anything?).  So we planked, with drivers wondering why we didn’t just cross the street in the rain. 

At the College entrance we partnered up and wheelbarrowed around the wheelchair ramp, then CDD x25 OYO.  Mosey to stadium.  No 10-count before Wolfpack-running the stadium, everyone got to lead or be second for two sections, everyone getting to chase twice. 

Then came the real fun.  7-part exercise starting at stadium retaining wall: wall sit; air presses x15; “rack ‘em up!” for BTW; Aussie MC x15; bear crawl to grass; run up to the top of Section 1/2; squats x15.  Repeat-o x10; Repeat-o x10.  Mumblechatter was strong by coming from multiple sources / not strong by this point because everyone was gassed, but the Q was oblivious to it all.  On your six – Heels to Heaven x15, WWII sit-ups x15, and finally, after a reminder about proper form (in honor of Nero), Star Crunches x15.  More mumblechatter.  No 10-count. Indian run to Green, this time we made the light at D-C.  Back with time for one more, dips on the wall x48 (or 24 IC) because it’s a 48-year party now. 

Circle of Trust – prayers for new baby Max (we questioned why Maxwell and not Maximus or Maximum) in Stalker’s extended family, general prayers / pleas for more Palmetto and Spartan sign-ups.  Grouch took us out with a prayer.  2nd F featured the best belly laugh of the year when Stalker declared, out of the blue, his least favorite Springsteen song stuck in his head.  “I’m on Fire.”  Think about the lyrics, his F3 handle and the abuse he has been taking for a comment two weeks ago and you’ll finish this virgin #BB with a smile on your face, too.  Happy Birthday to YHC and Grouch.  Let’s do it again next year.