I’m sensing a pattern here!

I’m sensing a pattern here!


Mosey around Grand Oak the long way and grab a block for later.


Circle up and provide disclaimer.



SSH 26x IC

IST 13x IC

Cotton picker 13x IC

Toy soldier 13x IC

Windmill 13x IC


The Thang


Hand Release Merkins 13x OYO 

Block swings 26x OYO

The W w/ block 13x IC

Overhead press 13x IC

Block Squat 13x IC

Skull crusher 13x IC

Hand Release Merkins 13x OYO


Mosey to far end of parking lot


Muhammad Ali’s 26x IC

Assume plank on curb

Plank walk 5ft to R

R side plank Jane Fonda’s 13x IC

Assume plank on curb again

Plank walk 5ft to L

L side plank Jane Fonda’s 13x IC


Mosey back to blocks


Hand Release Merkins 13x OYO 

Block swings 26x OYO

The W w/ block 13x IC

Overhead press 13x IC

Block Squat 13x IC

Skull crusher 13x IC

Hand Release Merkins 13x OYO


Mosey to far end of parking lot


Muhammad Ali’s 26x IC

R Jane Fonda’s 13x IC

L Jane Fonda’s 13x IC

Diamond Merkins 13x IC

R split squat (L foot on curb) 13x IC

L split squat (R foot on curb) 13x IC


Mosey back to blocks


Curls 13x IC

Overhead press 13x IC

R lawnmower 13x OYO

L lawnmower 13x OYO 

Skull crusher 13x IC

The W 13x IC

Chest press 13x IC

World War II sit ups 13x on Q’s up


Put blocks up.


Mosey to planters in front of school.


Step ups 13x/LE OYO

Dips 12x IC

Decline Merkins 10x IC


Mosey to launching point.

Recover Recover 








Bunyan apparently likes to do more than one exercise at a time when he gets on his 6.


Caboose doesn’t like to touch the wet ground and searched for a dry spot.


Side plank Jane Fonda’s are really hard on the curb. Modification needed second go round.


Hard work put in by all.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q Dingo.


Until next time,

Cousin Eddie