Impromptu Q

Event Date

Jun 29, 2022

YHC thought really hard about fart sacking today. I was a little sore from Monday's MURPH, and wasn't looking forward to a beatdown. However, when the alarm went off at 5 AM, I drug myself out of the bed and headed to Mustang. When I pulled up, Iron Horse asked if I was the Q. I laughed, but it didn't seem like he was joking. I said sure, and then used an awkwardly long warm up to come up with a plan. The way I remember, It went like this:


  • 30 SSH IC
  • 10 Slow Grandma Maters IC
  • Left-over-right
  • Right-over-left
  • 20 IST IC
  • 10 Mountain Climbers IC


I decided during the warmup that an AMRAP OYC workout made the most sense. I figured we would mosey around the property and then I would come up with excercises that didn't include merkins, squats, pull-ups, or burpees. I also wanted to use the muscles used during a MURPH as little as possible, so here is what I came up with:

  • Start from the AO and head toward the tennis courts. Find a bench in front of the enterance, and complete 20 dips.
  • Continue running to the top of the parking lot. At the second island, stop and do 20 WW1's.
  • Head to the second to last island and complete 10 Star Jumps.
  • Run to the flagpole and find a bench. Complete 10 step-ups per leg. 
  • Leave the benches and head to the flagpole. Bear crawl from the flagpole to the stop sign.
  • Run to the back of the school and find a block. Complete 20 curls.
  • Run to the AO and right where the sidewalk ends, complete 30 calf raises.
  • Repeat until we run out of time.

Everyone got at least 3 full rounds in before time expired.


1 Samuel 1

I was listening to a podcast on Tuesday and the pastor was talking about Hannah (Samuel's mother) and the struggle she had when she couldn't have childred. Her husband had another wife who had several children, which just compounded her shame. In an agraian society, children weren't just kids, they were your source of wealth (more sons meant more workers in the fields), a larger social security check when you retire (the more sons the mother had, the more likely you will be taken care of in your old age), and the greater status you would have in society. Being barren broke Hannah's heart. She went to the temple to pour out her hear to God and promised Him if she would ever be blessed with a son, she would give him back to God. She looked crazy, so much so she looked drunk! The priest (Eli) was going to throw her out, but then she explained how discouraged she was and Eli blessed her and asked God to grant her request. What is interesting is immediatly after that, she went home and was no longer sad. She hadn't had a child yet, but immediatly the weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

While we might not struuggle with the same issue Hannah did, we all struggle with putting our identity in something other than Christ. That might be a job, money, family, hobbies, working out: whatever causes us to put our worth in something else. We aren't promised that we will always get what we desire, but we are promised that Jesus is enough for us. We don't need anything else to define who we are as men.


  • I didn't realize until the end that Sparrow was going to take the Q until I pulled up. Sorry Sparrow. However, he killed it as always. He also informed us that retiring didn't really mean slowing down and he has already had 22 flights this month. I want to be like him when I grow up.
  • Jeeves looked like a man who hadn't missed a workout in 5 years. He did an awesome job pushing me to not slack off. It was great to see him and looking forward to the next time.
  • Thift Shop didn't seem too thrilled I took the Q. He blamed it on Sparrow for not being more assertive and said the youngest person shouldn't Q. I did run by him once and said great job and he just grunted and looked like he was getting ready to throat punch me. I stayed away after that.
  • Iron Horse had his 75 lb weight vest on (at least that's what it looks like) and seemed excited that he got his heart rate up to 180. Seemed kinda dangerous to me, but to each his own. He did say he wanted to get faster running hills. Come out to Trilogy, Iron Horse, when the Tuesday Run Crew heads out there; you will get plenty of hills.

Until next time…