Improptu Q at Race City and The Men Who Run

Last night, YHC was looking for a boot camp style workout and reached out to Manhands who said he was in.  As we were waiting for the clock to strike 0530, we were surprised to see a red Toyota Tacoma pull in…and surprisingly on time.  Welcome to Race City, Springfield.

The runners of the group: Hummer, Crack, Rent-A-Cop, Motorboat
This was their morning: Ran to the bottom of  Dewey Hill, then ran up in at a 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% sprint, and jogged back down after each sprint.  It was about a mile to and from Dewey Hill.

The rest of us: Manhands, Brushless, Springfield, YHC

Since we decided to have a beat down last night, we didn’t know who would Q. Manhands told YHC to take it.  To the best of YHC recollection, it went a little something like this…

1 Burpee
2 Burpees
3 Burpees
4 Burpees
5 Burpees

Mosey to the end of the parking lot near the playground

5 ‘Contra’ Burpees (Broad Jump Burpees with increasing merkins…Broad jump burpees, one merkin, broad jump burpee, two merkins….)
Bear Crawl 25 yards
20 Merkins

Turn around and REPEATO but increase the Burpees
10 ‘Contra’ Burpees
Bear Crawl 25 yards
20 CCD

Mosey to the play ground but first, make a pit stop and grab a bench.
Single Leg Step Up’s x 10 each leg
Dips x 20 IC

Head to the playground
Partner One – Plank
Partner Two – 10 Pull Ups

Mosey to the field for some rounds of some suicides

Round One:
Sprint 15 yards and back – 15 Burpees
Sprint 30 yards and back – 10 Burpees
Sprint 45 yards and back – 5 Burpees
LBC’s x 20 IC

Round Two:
Sprint 15 yards and back – 15 Merkins
Sprint 30 yards and back – 10 Merkins
Sprint 45 yards and back – 5 Merkins
Dying Coackroach x 20 IC

Round Three:
Sprint 15 yards and back – 15 CDD
Sprint 30 yards and back – 10 CDD
Sprint 45 yards and back – 5 CDD
20 WWII Sit Ups

Round Four:
Sprint 15 yards and back – 15 Clap Merkins
Sprint 30 yards and back – 10 Clap Merkins
Sprint 45 yards and back – 5 Clap Merkins
Low Flutters x 20 IC

Round Five:
Sprint 15 yards and back – 15 Deep Squats
Sprint 30 yards and back – 10 Deep Squats
Sprint 45 yards and back – 5 Deep Squats
Low Dolly x 20 IC

Partner Up:
Partner One – Sprint to the trees near the track
Partner Two – Merkins
FLAPJACK until Partners reach 200 Merkins

Lounge Walk 25 Yards
Bear Crawl 25 Yards
Crab Walk 25 Yards
Lounge Walk 25 Yards

Mosey back to the parking lot, but since we have six minutes left, we headed to the playground for more fun.
Partner One – Plank
Partner Two – Full Extension Pull Ups x 10

Mosey to the parking lot for some Mary:
20 Freddy Mercury IC
20 Straight Leg Cross Crunches (Springfield)
One Minute Plank

– YHC wants to thank Manhands for agreeing to meet in the gloom this morning.
– Great to see Brushless and the one we call Springfield finally post.
– This one was a smoker and you guys pushed the entire way through.
– This was YHC first Q in Race City…hope there are more opportunities!
– Manhands wasn’t too talkative this morning….although his first BS came in 30 seconds. Thank you.
– Thanks to Race City PAX for welcoming me into their little club up here. It’s been great over these last few months.
– Prayers for the guys running the upcoming half marathon and as always, prayers for our country!

See you all in the gloom again soon,