Improv at The Vanquisher

Not registered:  BioFreeze and Squeak.

14 men tested their metal at The Vanquisher, and survived to fight another day!  That was a few more than YHC was expecting, and I had to do a little improv to the planned beatdown. I had plans to use the playground equipment and field at Grand Oak, but when 13 men were ready to roll at 5:30, and then Die Hard came in on 2 wheels at 5:34, we needed a change of plans.  Thankfully, the AO offers a plethora of pain options!



  • Running, Karaoke, Quadraphelia, Karaoke
  • IST, Toy Soldiers, Windmills, Mtn Climbers, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters


The Thang:

  • Box Jumps x15 OYO
  • Incline and Decline Merkins on the Balls.  x2 rounds
  • Mosey to the gates – 1/2 the PAX did Australian Pull-Ups while the other 1/2 did reverse plank (butts facing down)  x2 rounds
  • Mosey to the covered walkway – Peoples Chair and Balls to the Wall
  • Mosey to the track – Bear Crawls, Dips, Crab Walks, Frog Jump, Bunny Hop, Dragon Crawl
  • Time for Block Work – Curls, Shoulder Press, Skull Crushers, Chest Press, LBC with Block, Block Swings, Lawnmowers, partial repeato
  • Mosey back to the cars



  • Dot the "i"



  • Great turnout at The Vanquisher!  That had to be close to a record!?
  • It was awesome to have Haagen-Dazs back out.  We determined it had been a few years!!
  • FNG Ross joined us.  He was named previously, but discovered the name was already taken.  He's a PT, so the group decided on 'BioFreeze', despite YHC's vote going for 'BenGay'.  What is it with all of these PTs doing F3?  My guess is they see it as easy $$$!
  • Thanks to everyone for showing up, and giving us the largest #s in LKN!  And, thanks to Funky Town for handing me the reigns!