In Cadence, Not in Cadence, Whatever

A baker’s dozen posted at BRP for a #Bedrock or #Mall-walkers which-way adventure.  3 ventured off to walk and run as they contemplated the world while the remaining 10 bootcamped in a few prime spots.  After a slippery jaunt toward the football field we took one lap around the track and circled up at the 50 for warm-o-Rama.  It was immediately obvious Airstream felt right at home being on the football field; he got this permanent grin that stuck with him for the entire workout.




Slow Squat

We next moseyed to the goal line for a couple of suicide warm-ups: broad jump to the 5, run back, to the 10, run back, run to the 15, run back… 20, 25 and run back.

Next we repeated that, that subbing in a broad jump to the 15 as well.

Moving on, we made our way to the steps up to the parking lot. Here we bunny-hopped to the top, performed 7 burpees, went forward down to 10 ‘Mericans and repeated, counted down the burpees 6,5,4,3,2,1 while the ‘Mericans remained at 10.

Having completed this task, we moseyed half way around the track and up to BRP parking lot.  Here we needed a little breather, and so a few ab exercises were laced in.  Having calmed our beating hearts, we moved to the traveling cinder blocks where each man grabbed a CMU.

Circling up to ward off the cold, we executed: 

20 Block swings, 20 block curls, 20 block bent-over rows, 20 slow block squats.  The blocks were then given a rest while we ventured toward Bailey Road and down into the valley.  Here we started the next task: run backward up to 115, execute 5 burpees, run back to the bottom and repeat for 4,3,2,1.

This worthwhile endeavor having been completed, let us return to the blocks where we performed a few MARY exercises and were rejoined by our Mall-walking brethren. 

 One can only assume the Mall Walkers accomplished great things on their workout and there’s no doubt we’ll see a separate #bb detailing their adventures from this morning.  Hell, they may have come up with a solution to achieve whirled peas. Yum!

The round-up:

1. Moses invited all to grab a 2.0, any 2.0, and sign up for the Tuna 70-miler.  It’s a great idea and a good way to help get these kids out the house and into some sort of shape, other than globule.  Good bonding opportunity as well.

2. Duvall threatened to hi-jack another workout, but at the last second, juked, and just ran all-out for 10 miles instead.

3. Hippie and Thug were like Heckle and Jeckle this morning- trying to cause trouble wherever they went.

4. Canuck was unable to regale us with tales of the universe, as no stars were to be found this bright, cold morning.  See him on Tuesday at #Viking for more info.

5.  Coffee was fun as always.  I wonder if the Starbucks crew looks forward to our arrival or looks forward to our departure.  

6. Possum could use a Q for next Saturday.  Any takers??

7. Make it a good weekend, guys.  Thanks for posting.

