In Honor of Ultraman

10x PAX showed for a warm Cauldron this morning.  Forecast was 51F, but it was actually a warm 53F with no complaints. 


Knockout showed up right on time, which for him is one minute late.  *haha*

Started with a warm up mosey lap around the parking lot

Then 10x IC of the Slo Windmills, Cotton Pickers, IST, Toy Soldiers, and a little DownWard Dog calf stretches

The Thang

Grab your bells

10x IC Lo Curls, Skull Krusher, Goblet Squats, Low Curl, Overhead Press, Suitcase Pick Up, Full Curls, Reverse Lunges

Run a lap around the parking lot

Figure 8 (without a reverse in Direction), Around the world, reverse, then the Halo

10x Low Curls, Skull Krusher, Lawn Mower 10x each arm, and 10x kettle bell swings OYO

Run a lap around the parking lot, on this one, upon recommendation from YHC,  Toxic goes RIGHT around the whole school even though Toxic stated that this was NASCAR country and we only turn left.  A classic case of doing what the Q asks even if it doesn't make any sense and seems CSAUP at the time.  Nice job, Toxic!

So the 9x Pax meet back at the bells for 10x Lo Curls and 10x Overhead presses before Toxic joins us from his lap around the school.   (No man left behind?  Maybe a Q fail on that one, but TBH, YHC didn't think he would actually do it) . *itwasntme*

10x Skull Krusher, Goble Squats, 20x Kettle Bell Swings OYO, (for a total of 30 for the day which was only ~10 percent of the 310 KB swings last week, or 31 would get you exactly 10% as Toxic, Math in Public Wizard, pointed out)


Tried to incorporate the bell as much as possible:

On ur 6 for 10x IC chest press and 10x IC Danger Zones (horizantal skull crushers)

10x IC low flutter w/ bell and 10x IC Box cutter w/ bell and 10x IC mason twist w/bell

20x IC Suzanne Summers each side.  Frogger managed to do these with the bell.  Strong.  *bicep*

10x WW2 sit-ups with the bell, in remembrance…. I mean, honor of the MQ Ultraman.  We prayed for all of those in the Tuna during COT for there safy, injury free, and fun run to Altantic Beach.  

10x Big Boy Situps using bell with feet wrapped around bell for ballast

On your face for Plank (its a core excercise), 10x Merkins, Downward Dog calf stretches, then 10x more Merkins

Recover Recover


Good times this morning.  Frogger's mumble chatter was off the chart, as normal. 

Toxic get T-claps for running around the school and NOT taking his shirt off

Knockout got there a minute late, but still put in an hour's worth of work in 44 minutes. 

Blackbeard was missing the tire from the Wilderness, maybe we can get one for the Cauldron?

Deep Dish did a great job of calling cadence repetition all day.  Everyone else was high on mumble chatter, but YHC could always count on Deep Dish to keep us in check. 

Holdiay cleared that side of the circle a time or too.  Maybe bean burritos last night? *poopfire*

The Force actually made it this week after a total Fart Sack last week.  Nice work!

Funky Town walked up from the 'hood just in time.  Nice to live close by! 

Frontier gets it done.  Not sure if he broke a sweat this AM.  Will have to challenge him more next time. 

Thanks to MQ, Ultraman, for the chance to lead!  Hope that he and all the Tuna PAX have a great, safe, injury free time!

TG sends, 
