In the timeless words of DMX:

Event Date

Jan 07, 2019

"It's a waste of energy to think about what somebody else is doing and how they doing it. I'ma just do what I do." – DMX

6 Men (including Freedom Trail (not on website)) showed up to the Sword to "do what they do" and here's what happened.


Mosey to the back of the parking lot the long way.

20 SSH

10 Windmill

10 IST

10 Toysolider

The Thang – 

Grab a block. Line up facing the cars

Round One Full Parking lot Sucicides

     5 Squat thrusters with the block at the beginning, run to an island do 3 burpies

     Low Flutters until Pax is finished

Round Two Full Parking lot Sucicides

     10 Block curls at the beginning, run to an island do 3 burpies

     Shoulder touch merkins until Pax is finished

Round Three Block Exercises 

     Overhead press

     Skull crusher


     Chest press and flutters

     Run around 3 islands

Round Four Block Exercises 

     (add) Goblet Squats with block

     Overhead press

     Skull crusher


     Chest press and flutters

     Run around 2 islands

Round Five Block Exercises 

     (add Rocky Balboas)

     Goblet Squats with block

     Overhead press

     Skull crusher


     Chest press and flutters

     Run around 1 islands


     Mosey to the cars for COT


  • Big thanks to the 5 men who came out to the Sword for this mornings beatdown. It was a beautiful 48 degrees with clear skies. Got the blood pumping and the steam flowing.
  • Almost complete lack of mumblechatter this morning, though suicides will do that. Only complaint I heard was on the second round of sucides "I can honestly say I don't find this fun." *Shrug* 
  • Great conversation about a need of Qs at all AOs in Lake Norman. It's a new year please sign up to Q. Most of the MQs need people to step up and lead.
  • Quick note for the Macaulay crew: we need to get back out there. Speaking for myself as well the more we're out hitting the pavement the better we feel. Let's get those guys back out that we haven't seen in a while.
  • Alright one more DMX quote because why not:

“The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog… How you gonna see 'em if you livin' in the fog?” – DMX

See you in the gloom.