26 Came out on a Friday to one of the best AO’s and get their sweat on…..
SSHx 20
ISTx 15
Wind mill x 10
Carrot pullers x 10
Merkins x 10
Grab a parking space line
Merkins on the line up and down
Line jumps up and down
Burpee on the line up and down
Rocky balboa x 20
Mosey to the baseball field….wait its locked, on to the next one…
To the second baseball field, it’s locked….wait it’s open on the other side….time to get the shoes dirty
Break into two teams….friendly competition – run around bases in each direction first man back to home base
Group waiting did squats, air presses, lunges…
Partner up…
Prison squats – 10 then run to right field for 5 burpees – back to home plate
Prison squats – 10 then run to center field for 20 partner assisted sit-up – back to home plate
Prison squats – 10 then run to left field for partner leg throw downs – 10
One arm air presses
Mosey to the outfield for Tunnel of love
Mosey to the parking lot
Suicides with 1 burpee and increasing to 4
5 at the finish to equal it out..
LBC x 20
Low flutter x 15
Pretzel crunch x 10 each leg
WWII – 15
Bull dog merkins x 10
Monkey humpers x 15
-There’s nothing like starting out a Friday at the General with the music playing and then ending with coffee waiting on you, Great job Magnus with the patriotism & hospitality!!!
-This was 98 Degrees virgin Q, great job today! It only gets easier….well not easier but normal to call cadence and come up with stuff.
-The pax is never satisfied, either I’m too loud or 98 degrees is too low on cadence, many comments today, inside voices and waking up the maintenance man
-Okay I’ll admit it, we didn’t think about that prison squats as not the best exercise in the summer….not that it’s a great exercise all together but there just a level of something different in the summer when you are sweaty……so I’ve learned my lesson.
-I think Hat trick enjoyed himself, he was wondering if his partner left his keys in his pocket or phone….I think he did 15 instead of 10 reps….
-Oyster had the fence swaying back and forth like backboard… I cannot confirm but there may be pictures floating around
-And we pulled out the tunnel of love…with this many guys it gets long….and yes it was lobbed up for someone to yell out…that’s what she said..
-Plenty of chatter today but that I’m sure I missed
-As always it’s and an honor to lead, thanks Magnus for inviting us to Q!