In TPR We Always Start To The Left

I was asked by Swing State shortly after he became the MQ at The Mighty Oak to take a Q. I finally held up my end of the bargain, here's what happened.

After a two hour meeting with my security detail it was decided we should head out of TPR early so we could get there before anyone else and they could get in place to protect me while I was outside the wall. As I pulled into the parking lot, Turnpike's Kia Soul was there and he was nowhere in sight, he was off on a solo ruck. I'm willing to bet he racked up some miles in a short period of time. Slowly the crowd grew and were actually quite friendly which may have lead to Swing State's Twitter comment about my police escort…and I thought they were well hidden!!

We warmed up with The Burpee, a lap around the school, The Burpee, SSH's x 15 IC, The Burpee, IST x 15 IC, The Burpee, Cotton Picker x 10 IC, The Burpee, Windmill x 10 IC, The Burpee, Stretching…first to the left, because we always go to the left in TPR, then to the other side. No, we don't use the word opposite of left inside or outside the wall.

Next was a little Paula Abdul, bear crawl two parking spots forward, back pedal one spot, do The Burpee and repeato. Once completed we headed around the school to the cinder blocks. Partner up for a little Dora 1,2,3 which featured 100 Skull Crushers, 200 Bent Over Rows, 300 Curls, and of course, The Burpee at the far basketball hoop. Once that was over we did a slow mosey to the opposite parking lot and back. Then, because, 300 curls wasn't enough we did 10 more. Fast guys run around the school and the clydesdales go in the opposite direction. Finally we circled up to talk about our feelings…we did sneak in a few LBC's Heels to Heaven, and Low Flutter Kicks during this time of sharing.

Recover, Recover

COT – Racha mentioned he came out a few months back and asked the guys to pray for his job search, he now has a job and returned to the workouts…Praises.


  • Huge t-claps to Racha, you never gave up today and that is what matters most. Stick with it brother and before you know it guys will be struggling to keep up with you
  • On our last run around the school, Kozar and Swing State took off…those two guys are FAST. Of course, both of them together weigh maybe 150lbs!
  • Schneider, great to see you this AM. Once again, condolences my brother
  • Christmas Party this Sat. night, bring an unwrapped toy, dish/dessert to share, your favorite beverage, and some money for the raffle
  • Thank you Swing State for asking me to take a Q at The Mighty Oak. Every time I sneak outside of TPR I realize how many other great AO's there are and that I need to get out more often
  • I guess it's time I finally thank Mailman for introducing me to F3. I've become a better man because of it
  • As always, leading such a fine group of men is humbling and uplifting at the same time. Thank you for the opportunity

Last thing…During my last few Q's, before I close out with a prayer, I mention 3 things I took away for Adm. McRaven's book, Make Your Bed, they are 1) Make your bed each day, it's a task completed and if the rest of your day is garbage at least you've accomplished that. 2) You can't do it alone, some times you just don't have it in you and you need someone to carry your share. Look around that COT, there are guys there who are ready at a moments notice to lend you a hand. 3) At the SEAL training complex in Coronado there is a brass bell that hangs in the courtyard, if you can take it anymore all you have to do is ring that bell 3 times. At that point, you no longer have to get up early, do long swims in the cold ocean, go on endless runs, or get harassed by your superiors. Bacially, you have given up, you've quit and you will regret ringing that bell for the rest of your life…please Lord, do not let us ring that bell.

