In true Closer Fashion

Event Date

Aug 11, 2018

10 at Mustang for another Closer late back blast. 
FNG is Jeeve’s neighbor. He works out pretty regularly and showed as he kept up pretty easily. He drives a truck for Sysco foods. Thus the PAX dubbed him Thong after the awesome Cisco song. Welcome Thong!
Warm up:
-Right over left stretch
-Left over right stretch
-Touch your toe stretch
-Arm circles
-hug yourself
-20 side straddle hops IC
-10 cotton pickers
-20 imperial storm troopers IC
Mosey to the rock pile you choose your way. You have to at least do a lap around the parking lot.
Mosey with rock to the practice football field. 
Game of five more
Curls IC Rotate 1 right 
Lateral press IC rotate 1 right 
Skull crushers rotate 1 right
Squat curls rotate 1 right
Vertical press rotate 1 right
Rows rotate 1 right

50 yard sprint 
Mosey back
Karaoke left
Karaoke right
Butt kickers 
High knees
Lunge Walk
Mosey back
Round 2 of 5 more
Curls IC Rotate 1 Y bmghy
Lateral press IC rotate 1 right 
Skull crushers rotate 1 right
Squat curls rotate 1 right
Vertical press rotate 1 right
Rows rotate 1 right
Put the rocks up and do 3 trips of Quadraphillia 
Mosey to the baseball hill via Clubber lane
Hill ladder
Mosey down the hill 5 burpees
Sprint up the hill 1 merkins
Mosey down the hill 4 burpees
Sprint up the hill 2 merkins
Mosey down the hill 3 burpees
Sprint up the hill 3 merkins
Mosey down the hill 2 burpees
Sprint up the hill 4 merkins
Mosey down the hill 1 burpees
Sprint up the hill 5 merkins
Mosey back through Clubber lane back to the rock track
Pain clock
100 meter sprint
100 meter sprint
30 WWI
100 meter sprint
30 ETKs 15 each side
100 meter sprint 
30 in and outs
Cool down 400 
Mary go round
Prayer for unfailing strength 

Do not look forward to what may happen
tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares
for you today will take care of you tomorrow and
every day. Either He will shield you from suffering,
or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.

Be at peace, then. Put aside all anxious thoughts and
imaginations, and say continually: “The Lord is my
strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in Him
and I am helped. He is not only with me but in me,
and I in Him.