Inaugural CSAUP – Rucking the streets of Denver

Event Date

Mar 31, 2017

This is what happens when 2 guys get an idea and there is a band of brothers that want to join in on the CSAUPness. Seems for quite some time there has been mumble chatter amongst the PAX of an AO to AO run, ruck whatever. Well on a moment’s notice the calendars looked as open as they would ever be and we quickly put together a route for a half marathon ruck beginning at ELHS Mustang through the backroads of Denver (mostly) and headed northeast to SVU.

Rendezvous for the shuttle service at SVU Clubhouse parking lot where Sonar narrowly escapes capture. We clown car it back to ELHS as the PAX is gearing up, weighting sacks getting loose and mentally preparing themselves for the night ahead. T-Claps to Closer and Clubber for the sendoff and it's eight fellas, time to roll. A few basics were covered with street crossing, basic commands for pace and that we will alternate each mile who will be the pace setter. We proceed up Little Egypt which is thought to be the most dangerous of the routes we will cover all night due to lack of a median for us to run along. A mile in and the pace is nice and steady before our boy Mulligan jumps out and keeps a steady clip as the lead. Nice start to the evening and we head down Optimist Club road where we attempt a game of frogger across new 16. Only thing is you only get one life  … easy crossing across the south bound lane, gather on the median and then C# commands GO … but no one follows as we all see the cars still coming but C# awaits us on the other side and we all cross safely. Heading up Optimist we take the Denver shortcut through Villages of Denver. Quick 10 count in Joeys parking lot some comments from the patrons on what we are doing and we cross old 16 and head through SmithStone, back to Old 16 where we had a series of epic failures in crossing on numerous occasions including Spork being a lone wolf in the middle turning lane but none the less we make it to Fairfield Forest unscathed.  Takin the long way we then decide the best route is to enjoy the golf course route.

As we continue along the course we are greeted with the sound of "CART BACK". Some curious visitors doing wheelies on a LED laden golf cart across the fairways, enjoying a few drinks and emitting an odor reminiscent of a skunk ask what we are up to. We do our thing and they do theirs and we are half way.

Quick stop at Lake Shore North for everyone to get a breather, grab a quick bite, hydrate, take the packs off for 15 minutes and chat is up with Ziplock's M. As easy as it would have been to have a second round we put the packs back on and continue along the rest of the route as we have a schedule to keep. The PAX continues along the quiet streets of Westport enjoying the 2nd F that just comes naturally when you get a group of guys together. Fairly certain everyone paired up with one another at some point during the evening and got to know each other a little better. Trek to the end of Blades to Burton and while the end is in sight with a left turn we instead head right towards governor’s island. It is getting late, fatigue is setting in and during periods of quiet you could hear the steps as we march in unison. Enjoying the view of LKN as we cross the bridge make the loop and head back, almost home fellas. Texted Cheetah to see if he was awake but missed his response. As we make the trek back up the 400 Yards of pain we are greeted by a brightly lit Cheetah running towards us. Offering an assist for anyone that wanted to give up their pack to which everyone respectfully declines as we have come too far and the finish line is fast approaching. Feeling reenergized we march to the fountain for a quick photo op and march forward to the clubhouse. 13 + miles are behind us and we are awarded with satisfaction of enduring the suck!

– All Fs rolled into a single evening and each of us grew closer as brothers.

– Retread was carrying an obscene amount of weight and along with Spork set the pace for most of the evening.

– Goodwrench takes a break from being a newly crowned father to bond with the brothers.

–  Sonar was WD and killed it

– Blame Hefty if you are sore today 🙂

– Diesel places in his age group in the St James 5k following this, Major T-claps

– Honorable mention to Cheetah for finishing the last few miles with us and reenergizing everyone  

– Annual event or do we kick it up a notch next time ?

– First Official Denver area CSAUP is in the books. I know it was short notice and not everyone could accommodate but you were there is spirit.  


