Standard = Pierogi, Jedi, TBone, Mr Burns, Dallas, Turnpike, Calypso (I think that's it but chime in below if not)


A pax of 22 met at the new Robbins Park AO in Cornelius for the first Wednesday expansion workout called Gaga – named for the childs dodgeball like game played in an octagonal pit, not for the pop star.  Wednesdays have become #problematic in many locations; Gaga gives Isotope a chance to expand to a new location, to spread out the high numbers (sometimes 30+) and add a variation that includes less running than Half Life, but more than the other bootcamps (Mad Scientist, Hollywood, and Mighty Oak).

The Workout:




15X Cotton Pickers

Mosey to field.

The Michigan 

Pax line up in 3 equal rows, then:

10X 100 yard sprints, one row at a time down the field and back, each row starting as previous row reaches mid-field.

20 Mericans

8X 80 yard sprints, as above

20 CCDs

6X 60 yard sprints

20 low flutter kicks

4X 40 yard sprints

20 LBCs

2X 20 yard sprints


Gaga Competition

Each row formed into a group to compete in Gaga.  All enter the ring, following the rules posted at the Gaga pit, 1 exits victorious.  The victor then chooses that group's next exercise (YHC suggested running but it was up to the winner).  Some chose to run, some chose stationary exercises.  This continued until each group competed and then returned to the Gaga pit for another competition.  Each group was able to get in 3 games of Gaga.  The winners of each game then entered the Gaga pit for a final game to crown the victor.  Out first was Mr. Mumblechatter, Dallas.  In the end it came down to two – Bagboy and Lone Star – they battled for what seemed like seconds, but Bagboy's overconfidence caused is utter downfall and Lone Star emerged the first ever F3 Gaga Champion.


After the exciting Gaga games we needed a cool down, so in the grass we circled and ran through some Homer to Marge with some Low Dolly's and Low Flutter's thrown in for good measure.  Recover, Recover.



1.  Dallas tried his best to throw YHC off his game, but no matter how many times you say The Michigan is a cop out WIB, it is a killer.  Gaga is a running with pain workout and YHC couldn't think of a better way to start out than with this horrible sprintfest.

2.  Some pax joined early for a little Ingress standard.  1.5 miles of running with a lot of Ingress and chatter from the non-ingressers about Dungeons and Dragons, geocaching, nerdy activities, etc.  We did, however, capture 3 portals at WAC.  We took down dat boi.

3.  Lots of faces I had never Qd for in the past, and many that I enjoy seeing on a regular basis.  Thanks to all for coming out.

4.  Next week Ramrod has agreed to take the Q.  Aye, thanks for stepping up!  All I ask is that he keep the Gaga theme going by letting everyone get in at least one game – it is actually a great workout if you try.

If you have never Qd, or have not stepped up in a while, please reach out to the master Qs and get on their schedule.  F3 workouts are based on peers leading peers – without sharing this responsibility this foundation loses the diversity and will that it needs to survive and thrive.

Thanks to all who have contributed to YHC's F3 experience.  It has been an extremely positive, life altering change; emotionally, spiritually, and especially physically.  I am excited to continue to help give away this same experience by sharing in the duties of leadership and expansion, and to EH anyone and everyone that needs the same life changes.



– Calypso