Inaugural Muffin

As Cupcake led a horrible modified Frosty at the Glen last Saturday, I threatened to lead his AO and make him do something that sucked. Started with excluding his favorites- merkins and LBCs. 

Warmup: Hillbillys, Hairy Rockettes, and something else x 15

The Thang: 

  1. Curls
  2. Skull Crushers
  3. Kettlebell Swings – single arm, switch, crush, lateral, and shuffle
  4. Squats
  5. Shoulder Press

First set 20, then drop by 5- kettlebells remain at 20. Did a second set at 10 for 5 total. Run across parking lot to Dicks & back after each set


  1. Flutter Press
  2. Bell-assisted  WWII
  3. Freddie Mercury
  4. Boxcutters
  5. Mason Twist
  6. Pickle Pounders

Deep End tried to kettlebell flip and it ended poorly. Cupcake requested to Koala instead of running. Lateral swings are a bad idea as my shoulder didn't stop hurting until 3rd vodka. Lot of complaining on pickle pounders- stamina matters. FNG2 is now Chubbs- looks like the homeless caddy from Happy Gilmore, but his impressive squat form reminded us that  "it's all in the hips". 

Always a pleasure to lead this fine group of men.