Inspiration, perspiration and dehydration

The men of racecity assembled as predicted outside salty caper for their tuesday morning Rock, aka Kettlebell aka Chubby Buddha.  The weather was perfect though a contingent of regularts were no where to be seen, I suspect still crippled from Frosty's Monster Mile Q a mere 24 hours ago.

Racecity sent off 6 runners to scout the perimeter while 9 men cast of iron grit donned their bells.  YHC had mapped out his Q possibly underestimating the math….let's see…

Warm up

Penalty burpees due to guys who showed up late

Penalty burpees due to guys who complained about aforementioned penalty burpees

Penalty burpees due to a pedestrian who walked by

SSH – plenty

IST – more than enough

Windmills – need I say more

Incline mericans – never enough

Mountain climbers – I forget

We zamperini'd to the adjacent lot and the fun started….YHC collected about a dozen bible verses meant to inspire…i.e. Proverbs 27:17 As irin sharpens iron so one man sharpens another….that meant 44 (27+17) Skull Crushers…

Then we ran to far end of parking lot and back

The rest of the verses dished out 19-51 WWII sit ups, shoulder presses, mericans, curls, locked arm raises, flutter presses, squats, etc….each time galavanting to the end of the parking lot like the magnifecent steeds they were.

At the end one guy partner carried while the other mericaned and then switched. 

We traveled back to the original AO and YHC pulled a little Isaiah 40:31, soaring on the wings of eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint earning us 71 LBC from Lear.  We finished with the customary tribute to Mason Twists for L-dub busting out two of them.  You read it right – 2 as in 02…as in one more than one and one less than three – two….get the picture?

Prayers for Goodell's dad dealing with some heart issues…prayers for my mom…the same.  Prayers for TickTock's family and for Motorboat and for all the guys and their loved ones in our sacred brotherhood.

Awesome showing this weekend at the 5K for teen suicide in downtown Mooresville.  Let's not forget those around us in need and especially those who are discouraged,