Inspired by John Powers (F3/IHOP), RIP

Event Date

Mar 16, 2019


7 pax posted in the gloom at Isotope's original AO in 45-degree weather, sunny and clear weather to warm up the fields for soccer players that were still cozy in their beds when we started. Pardon any ommissions, it seems like we did a lot of exercises.


Mosey with Moses (walk…my new top speed) to Wolfpack playground for warmorama: IST, toy soldiers, merkins, windmills, IHOP burpees. 

Mosey to the track. 1 warm-up lap for the pax. 1 time across the field for high-fives and back for YHC.

2nd lap was with 10-second sprints followed by jogging back to recover the 6 (again, that was me at the 6). About 6 sprints with recovery jogs took us 1 time around the track. Gather for COT with plastic plates and disc golf discs. Sliding wheel of ab pain, stagger merkins (L & R), seal drag with feet on plates/discs, 1-leg bear crawl, 1 leg crab walk, wheel barrow x2.

COP – straight leg lifts; thanks for helping me through my PT, gents. I think y'all got some pain/benefit from it too.

1 more lap around the fields and mosey back to Wolfpack playground where a pull-up calf raise ladder ensued under the watchful eyes of soccer families.  1 full extension high quality pull up and 10 calf raises on the stairs leading to Broadway. 2 pull-ups, 11 calf raises…up to 5 pullups and 15 calf raises.

MWAR – YHC learned this from TheForce last week at the Mighty Jungle. We took turns whipping the rope while the pax took turns calling an ab exercise…7 different ab exercises…at least until Uncle Rico upped the ante with 10 IHOP burpees while M-16 was on the rope. Trust me, M-16, nobody was a winner for that round. 

We took the rope over to the picnic shelter and continued working on the shoulders with the rope while the pax took turns with: Balls to the Wall x2, Wall sits 2x (IHOP style if you can), Derkins 2x, dips. We spent the rest of our time on one of the unoccupied soccer fields, starting with Tunnel of Love 2x and then Cackalacka Choo Choo with 1 IHOP burpee in between each jump, 2 times through. 

The final COP involved more MARY and straight leg raises before we stretched out the hamstrings and glutes, finishing right at 8am…as noticed by Primo. Thanks for noticing.


  1. Thanks for the Q, Jersey Boy. It sounded like Mr. Holland has next week.  I bet if we invited them, M-16, KR, and Uncle Rico would be up for the challenge in the weeks thereafter. As for Primo "…well, it's a funny thing…" I don't know if he would step up and commit. But it can't hurt to ask.
  2. Running short on time…that's all for now, Men.

Moses out.