Interlude of Intervals

Event Date

Aug 31, 2018

5 PAX showed up at the Foundry on a muggy Friday morning ready to put some work in before the long weekend.

Warmorama:  Mosey through the parking lot, karioki, high knees, butt kickers and quadraphelia, end over by the pullup bars where some cinderblocks were conveniently waiting for us.  FInish up warmup with some SSH, IST, Toy soldier, windmills (all x10 IC) and some arm circles.

The Thang:  After we were nice and warm we got to work.  YHC expected a few more people and had 4 interval stations planned, however made an audible to 5 stations for 5 PAX.  Each PAX would perform an excercise for 1 minute, then 30 second break to move to next station.  After each Round, lap around the first parking aisle.
ROUND 1: 'Mericans, Deadlifts, Pullups (or hang on the bar), Walker Texas Rangers (roundhouse kicks over stacked cinder blocks) and Mohamed Alis.  (all 1 minute on, 30 seconds off)
ROUND 2: Repeato round 1.
ROUND 3: Shoulder touch 'Mericans, Squats, Leg lifts/knee raises (on pullup bar), Calf raises (holding block) and Rocky Balboas (same as Mohamed Alis but have to yell "yo Adrian").

After 3 rounds complete, each PAX farmer carried 2 blocks down the length of the parking aisle and back, then returned the blocks.  Mosey over to the bench/fire place area for the next round.

ROUND 4: dips, inclined 'Mericans, calf raises on curb, people's chair and squats.  YHC's timing was a bit off, ROUND 4 wrapped up right at 6:15 so we counted it as MARY.

MOLESKIN: It was a small group putting in big work.  Everyone brought their A game, and were so worn out that Caboose couldn't even bribe anyone to join him for coffee!