Intersection of Trilogy and Pain

Event Date

Sep 02, 2017

Before we begin, and just in case you only read the first line: 0700 ELHS Monday Labor Day, Denver Convergence.

Standard included YHC, Bertha and Spork for 3.5 through the rolling hills of Trilogy in an attempt to take the dog leg left segment from Clark; however, we missed the turn around. Upon arriving back to the launch pad, several HIM were waiting to get things started. FNG-1 is Jefe (Spanish for Boss), hospital name Ken, brought by Jeeves. Jefe is in town for the Labor Day weekend. Jefe currently resides in El Paso, TX and is active military (Army) rank Captain with a promotion in route to Major. Jefe is an Occupational Surgical Resident currently…T-Claps bro and welcome!


Right over Left

Left over Right

10 IC Lunges

10 IC Reverse lunges

10 IC Cotton Pickers


10 IC Squats

White Line – Parking lot quadraphilla up, karaoke left 1/2 way down, then switch to right

The Thang

3.0 mile run through Trilogy with Pain stations at each (almost each) intersection. Pain included, but most likely not in order, the following:

  • Flutter kicks
  • Low plank 1 minute with alternating leg lifts
  • Merkins
  • Dr. W
  • Squats
  • Freddy mercury
  • Monkey humpers (w/ audience)
  • Partner resistance run (50 yds) downhill, and back up 
  • Vertigo run on Exploration Hill, upwards
  • Squats again

Leave Trilogy and mosey to bus lot. Grab your favorite bench, or curb and do 10 OYO jump-ups.

Continue mosey to Flag pole, and cheat on your last bench find a better looking one for 10 IC dips.

Lastly, head to launch pad


  • Box Cutters 10 IC, then repeat 10 IC opposite direction
  • 10 IC LBC
  • 10 IC Low dolly


Given the current environment; social, economic, cultural, Harvey in TX, and anything humans continue to battle with, YHC selected 2 Corinthian 4:8-9 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. I know that whatever I have went through, currently struggling with, or whatever I face, there is a group of men, their M’s and 2.0s’ that will help me through. Many…most…people do not have this luxury. GO sharpen some iron and give it away.


  • Pay attention to segments start/stops before attempting to take the crown.
  • TClaps to Spork and Bertha for posting 30min early for standard
  • TClaps to Captain Jefe for posting with Jeeves, that’s one strong dude.
  • Moans and groans for the running, this isn’t arts and crafts!
  • Much respect to do this alongside each of you, most notably Sonar, that’s inspiration, and we didn’t let Trilogy suck you into a home sale.
  • Q fail on the attempted trail run to this so called epic tree house, know your route.

Pleasure to lead, gents. Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. We will see ALL of you Monday at 7am ELHS Mustang, Denver Convergence. 
