Intervals and Evangelism

Event Date

Jan 23, 2017


8 pax took on intervals and evangelism in different ways. Here is their story:


Poptart, Dingo, Westside, Jimmy O, Olive, and YHC met up for the 1st F beatdown:


SSH x 30 IC
IST x 10 IC
Cotton Picker x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC


90 sec intervals; 15 sec rest in between

Jump rope
Squat then overhead press w/ ruck
Agility ladder
50 lb sandbag throws
25# KB swings

Run around parking lot



Homer to Marge
Low flutter x 25 IC
Low dolley x 10 IC
Crunchy frog x 15 IC
Merkins x 15 IC
LBCs x 25 IC

Recover recover



Dingo, Olive, Westside, Jimmy O, Earl Gray, Jolly Roger, and YHC continued for 2nd F/3rd F:

We continued a previous discussion on what it takes to find salvation by continuing in Romans 10:14-15 and discussing how those that are 'untouched' by Christ find salvation or do they?

  • We explored those that believe in God but not in Christ (John 8:42,47)
  • All that have seen God's creation (Romans 1:18-20)

We finished by discussing the importance of evangelism and our specific role in the Great Commission. (didn't specifically read it but always a good reminder Matthew 28:16-20). Of course, we looked at how F3 is such a great tool to EH other men back to working out and to help them engage in meaningful relationships with other men looking to lead. Discussed how we can take those same principles and apply them to talking with others about Christ.

Do we take evangelism for granted? Are we spending enough time talking to others about Christ?


  • Good stuff this morning and always engaging to hear how Christ is working in others to spread His word:
  • Olive – keep on spreading His word brother. Inspirational work that you are doing with other families that need your light.
  • Westside – so good to see you back in the gloom…crushing the sandbag tosses…good luck on the new job
  • Jimmy O – thanks for starting this discussion on salvation at The Berean and for your terrible interval stations.
  • Poptart – come for 1st F but stay for the good stuff. I know you were travelling today but make it back for the bible study. Strong work this AM on those ruck presses. Safe travels.
  • Dingo – always EHing to grow the group on Monday mornings. Strong work as always.
  • Earl Gray – thanks for always pushing the conversation (and in turn this group) in new directions
  • Jolly – Thanks for joining. Always insightful to hear how the lord works through F3 and the growth in male leadership that is being developed in this area.

Prayers up for Kyle, Micheal, Westside, Shelly, Ashley, Stacy, Sutton, Darlene (friend of Poptart) and Pierogi's mom.

I am so blessed to be in community with this group of men. Jolly said it best this morning that Christ yearns for us to be in community with each other. Everyone wants someone to take an interest in their life. All it takes is a small gesture or action to make a significant change in someone elses life. Take the time this week to take that action and in turn an interest in someone's life who needs it most.

Thanks to Dingo for the opportunity to Q at The Berean and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time…(which is at The Mighty Oak this Wednesday)

Don Ho