Intimate Sounds

Event Date

Oct 12, 2017


4:45 alarm sounds an unconscious swipe hitting "snooze". 

Sudden jerk, sleepy eye glance and it's 5:15.

O'no… i've got the Q… no time for TBQ.. 

YHC get dress , grabs the Weinke, get in the car shoes untied… will the Q make it? 

Yes I Do. Thanks for F3 holding me accountable. It would be easy to shut my tired eyes, but I would feel terrible that I let my Brothers down. Or the Fear of "Kumqatted"

The Thang;

Dynamic Warm-o

SSH IC x 10, 


Appollo Ono  IC x 10

Over-head clap 

Part 2:

Push -o-rama

Merkins, L staggered, R staggered, wide x  5 each IC

Low Flutter x 10 ic 

WW II x 10


Part 3 ;

Burpee into Pull up 

2/1, 4/1… yes just one pull up , but it had to be the best one…to  10/1

Joggy ,

repeato 10/1, 8/1


 Part 4:

Pick med size limestone..

To the wall for some Bricklayer x 10 IC x 3 sets

Go-go gadet arms x 10  ICx 2 sets

Curls  ICx 10 x 2 sets

Mary .

Carrots pickers

Half Super -man , would he still be Super if only half. 

Heels to Heaven

Wide plank

..Mole skin:

Limburger thanks for letting me lead. Always glad to hear how soft and well manicured your hands are. 

Mona Lisa …has made it to the web site. Welcome. Way to push past the suck.

Bob Ross, can't wait for you Q next week. Lets see if Raleigh taught you right. 

LawnDart and Limbuger were chatting it up all morning and ended with some intimate sounds coming from Lawndart at the end.  


Always an Honor to Lead Men of F3, and these guys.



Lexicon : 

KAD: Short for Kool-Aide Drinkers.