Introducing THE Buckeye

9 Warrior of the Gloom emerged begrudgingly from their vehicles just before or right at 0530 to brave the freezing line temperature and face the unknown new workout, henceforth known as THE Buckeye. Here is their story

The Thang:

Jog to the parking lot entrance

IST X 20

Cotton Pickers X 15

Windmills X 15

Jog to the near end zone of the football field for THE Buckeye

At each 10 yard mark, we added the following exercises and repeatedly built up until all 100 yards were dominated! at completion of each circuit, sprint back to the end zone and do THE Burpee

5 Diamond Mericans

10 Jump Lunges

15 Mericans

20 Dying Cockroaches

25 CDDs

30 Squats

35 Mountain Climbers

40 SSH

45 Low Flutters

50 LBCs

Jog back to the parking lot near cars

Pretzel Crunch X 10 each side

Touch 'Dem Heels X 20

Rosalita X 20

Elbow Plank X 30 seconds then J-Lo X 15

Downward dog with stretches


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) This group will go down in lore as the first pax man enough to tackle THE Buckeye – congratulations gentlemen!

2) Thanks so much to Scrappy for bringing the music and speaker this morning and carrying it all throughout the workout, music does help

3) I acknowledge and apologize for the 2 counting errors that occurred, but they were corrected and the totals have been audited and all are accounted for!

4) Ambitious week for Titan and me following the Palmetto – legs not as much jello now, more like tapioca. Please support TITAN! at his next Q tomorrow at the General. Man is a BEAST!

5) Great to see Cousin Eddie stepping up so soon to Master Q and Cherry Bomb stepping up to lead! Strong work men!

6) Hat Trick remains the only pax I have ever seen with his own chaffeur to and from workouts – and she actually gets him there on time! Definitely not a clown car!

7) Always great to see Stapler, Hollywood and Landline in the pax! First time in a while I have had the pleasure of trailing Hollywood at a workout other than PAINinsula (Finest AO in all of Cornelius they say) – even when I am leading the workout, still following Hollywood. 

As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this fine group of men! Thanks for the Keys Titan!
