Introducing the Pickle Vacuum to the masses

Event Date

May 04, 2021


3 men were woke today. 


10 x Toy Soldiers

20 x SSH

15 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Windmills

10 x Grandma Maters

The Thang


AO lot: 10 Hand release Mericans and 1 “Pickle Vacuum” called by Dandelion.  Sitting dip exercise. 

Run to back playground and do 10 chin ups, 1 Australian Row

Run to AO lot 9 Hand Release Mericans and 2 Pickle Vacuums

Repeato back and forth until we got to 1/11.  20 laps from lot to lot. 

Parking lot fun to finish up: Bear crawl/walk crab alternate every 2 spaces up and crawl bear/crab walk down.

3 rounds of quadrafelia


15 x Hello Dollys

15 x Flutter kicks

10 x Merican Hammer 4 count

Reflection:  John 5:1-2

“I am the true vine,* and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does he prunes* so that it bears more fruit.”

We are always being shaped and molded to produce good things if we are open to seeing God’s hand in our lives and not thinking we control everything or it is all up to us.  The dead wood in our lives has to be cut away to give more growth to the good parts and prevent disease from overtaking the rest of the vine. 


-Strudel gave some good insight into the scarcity of raw materials in many areas and has been able to find some deals on electrical fuses!

-Dandelion, continued his streak of naming new exercises with todays pickle vacuum!  Nuf said! 

-Skipper finished up with us and asked if I had done lots of pruning lately to bring up that reflection! This coming from our landscape committee leader!

Fair Winds and Following Seas
