16 pax posted at Fallout this morning while 98 Degrees took off to do IPC Week 3 on his own. YHC saw on the Twitterverse that Qbert was invited to join, but no Qbert to be found. Weeaaaaak. Many pax were talking about the challenge and how they were glad to avoid it, but little did they know what was in store for them. We grabbed blocks, a disclaimer was given, and we zamperini'd to the mini-track/parking lot by Barnette elementary.



  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

MERKIN ALARM – Merkin x 10 IC



YHC decided to bring the IPC to the pax since most in attendance were not taking on the challenge.

Laredo (IPC Week 0)

  • Squats x 24 OYO
  • Mericans x 24 OYO
  • Walking lunges x 24 OYO (24 lunges each leg)

Killer B’s (IPC Week 1)

  • Broad jumps x 10 YDS OYO (1st cone)
  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Bonnie Blairs x 10 OYO
  • Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO


  • Broad jumps x 10 YDS OYO (2nd cone)
  • Burpees x 10 OYO

MERKIN ALARM – Merkins x 10 IC

  • Bonnie Blairs x 10 OYO
  • ?Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO


  • Broad jumps x 10 YDS OYO (3rd cone)
  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Bonnie Blairs x 10 OYO
  • ?Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO

Bear crawl x 30 YDS OYO (Back to the start)

Meatloaf’s Massacre (IPC Week 2)

  • 10 Man Makers (Block Burpees)
  • 20 Overhead Press
  • 30 KB (block) swings

MERKIN ALARM – Merkin x 10 IC

  • 40 Goblet Squats
  • 50 Incline Block Mericans


Run a lap. Grab your blocks and zamperini, curl, or just hold them as we walk back to put them away.



  • Low flutter x 40 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Clapping Crunches x 10 IC
  • Touch dem heels x 15 IC

Recover. Recover.


The Mole's Kin

  • YHC fartsacked his Q last time and the pax advised YHC to fartsack in the future.
  • Good mumblechatter this morning, Fallout always brings out the best in the pax.
  • Great work by 98 degrees pushing himself on the IPC Week 3 Challenge. Final rep count = 725 reps
  • Remember Turncoat's 12 Q challenge. There are 3 months to get your Qs in and there are many MQs that would appreciate it. Remember to backblast or it doesn't count.
  • As YHC spoke to this morning, if any pax are feeling depressed, having dark thoughts, or just need someone to talk to about anything – reach out to any of us. F3 is intended to provide a support system for the men in our community. No one here will judge you. Everyone here has walked a path in life that has some hardship or another within it and you'd be surprised how many of us have dealt with similar experiences. Consider this an open invitation to reach out to YHC on Slack/Twitter/e-mail/during a workout/anywhere to talk about anything.


Thanks Mona Lisa for the opportunity to lead. Thanks to all pax for coming out. Until next time – CB