IPC Week 1 – Inspector’s Gadget

Today was the official start of IPC2020. YHC was definitely excited to get things going and had plans to workout in the grass in front of LFC. Unfortunately, YHC had no idea that there was going to be a torrential downpour with lots of thunder and lightning this morning. Got a message from Ultraman asking if we were still on around 0510 and confirmed that the Q was on his way and we'd work out under the gazebo. Very good timing by IPC to be a non-running workout. When entering the AO, saw UM and Qbert in their cars and waved them down to park in front of the gazebo. A few more cars rolled in and we had 9 men ready to go despite the extreme weather conditions.




The Thang


EMOM (called by app)- 3 burpees


3 Burpees (Begins Rd & EMOM timer)

50 Hand Release Release Merkins

100 Leg Raises

150 Jungle Boi Squats “2Spoonz Style”

200 Big Boy Sit-ups

250 Stationary Lunge Steps (ct ea leg as 1 rep)


Scoring: Total elapsed time beginning with the 1st Burpee and ending with the 250th lunge step.


You're kidding, right? No time for that.


  • YHC was unable to competitively perform the workout as the rain was so loud, it drowned out the EMOM app. For the first bit of the workout, the Q was calling out 10 second warnings and then "3…2…1…BURPEEEES". The pax voiced disapproval of having to hear my voice shout out burpees. When reminded the Q was just the messenger, talk of shooting the messenger quickly followed. A dangerous group this morning.
  • Everyone put in the work today and looked strong doing it. Despite no running, this workout was intense. Those who finished early obviously picked up the 6. The times of the pax are as follows:

Swing State – 25:30

Qbert – 27:37

Ultraman – 28:35

Honeysuck Blue – 36:35

Pinkman – 37:26

Popcorn – 38:57

Amen – 45:00

11 – 45:00


If you don't want your time submitted, shoot me a message or comment below and I will not submit. Otherwise, I will submit all times by Friday afternoon. 

Good work all! Until next week – CB