IPC Week 3 – Cindy 500

Meatheads rejoice!  Or should they?  Not as much running this week which doesn’t necessarily translate to easier though.  

This weeks festivities was aiming for your best time to complete 500 reps of the exercises below in 5 rounds and once complete, circle back to pick up the six to make sure everyone finishes.

14 Pax(including two FNG’s that had to come because they’re a part of a business training program Omega leads which requires them to shadow him all day) showed up ready to tackle week 3 IPC in yet another beautiful morning.

Instructions ensued and we got off to a late start (again)

Round 1:

  • 10 merkins
  • 15 thrusters with block
  • 20 merkins
  • 25 thrusters with block
  • 30 merkins
  • Run 400 meters

Round 2:

  • 10 thrusters with block
  • 15 v-ups
  • 20 thrusters with block
  • 25 v-ups
  • 30 thrusters with block
  • Run 400 meters

Round 3: 

  • 10 v-ups
  • 15 jungle boy squats
  • 20 v-ups
  • 25 jungle boy squats
  • 30 v-ups
  • Run 400 meters

Round 4:

  • 10 jungle boy squats
  • 15 blockees
  • 20 jungle boy squats
  • 25 blockees
  • 30 jungle boy squats

Round 5: 

  • 10 blockees
  • 15 merkins
  • 20 blockees
  • 25 merkins
  • 30 blockees 
  • Run 400 Meters


  • I almost wish we were just doing the running again like we did last week.  
  • Everyone finished within the 45 minute mark!  Strong work PAX!
  • I’m realizing how much hard rock music I like when I select playlists for the workouts.  Changed it up at the end to include some Spanish music in light of Hispanic Heritage Month.
  • Even if we started late, we made sure we went all the way to 45 minutes
  • I’m glad there’s only one week left for IPC

If you haven’t come out yet to IPC, encourage you to come push yourself out of your comfort zone next week and do something challenging that might seem impossible to accomplish.  You’d be surprised at how much your body can do if you push it.  

Strong work PAX.  One more week left, make it your best week.

In Him,