IPC Week 3 – K.I.S.S. at The Sword

FNG-1 = The Ultimate (not on the website)

11 gathered to take on IPC Week 3. Cones were set up to mark 400M. We did some stretching, Crocs got a timer and music ready, and then we got to work.



Run 400m

100 merkins

Run 400m

90 squats

Run 400m

80 merkins

Run 400m

70 squats

Run 400m

60 merkins

Run 400m

50 squats

Run 400m

40 merkins

Run 400m

30 squats

Run 400m

20 merkins

Run 400m

10 squats

***Run 800m***


Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins, and 250 squats.



  • A very simple workout, but definitely a gasser. Strong work by all.
  • YHC had full intentions of giving out Oatmeal Creme Pies this morning, but totally forgot as we ended the workout way later than expected. #Cobains
  • Amen, Nacho Libre, and The Ultimate didn't keep time but still pushed through to get a heck of a workout in this morning. Great work guys!
  • Times are posted below. YHC will submit the scores by Friday unless pax reach out to me directly via the comments below or the Twitter.

Qbert – 41:03

Crocs – 39:15

Cousin Eddie – 35:59

Ultraman – 35:34

Popcorn – 44:01

Frogger – 40:11

Pinkman – 43:15

Cherry Bomb – 39:43