IPC? What IPC?

Event Date

Sep 23, 2021

6 Bad-ass gents tackled their own little challenge at the #Wilderness AO this fine, fine morning.  Here’s a brief synopsis:

Circle-up for warm-o-rama.  Disclaimer dispensed.  
SSH X 50 (with a slight hitch for a mistaken inflection change latched on to by several)
Downward Dog
IST x 15
The windmill x 10 
Parker-‘Merican x 20
SSH X 50
Mosey to our 1st available rock pile
Grab a rock for this: Zamperini Quadrphilia up the little hill, 1 OHP at the top, forward down to 10 curb ‘Mericans
Zamperini Quadraphilia up the hill, 2 OHP at the top, forward down to 9 curb ‘Mericans
Etcetera, etcetera…
Rocks back and mosey down to Queen’s corner.  
20 ea. 1/4-turn jump squats
Freddy Mercury X 20
Recover and mosey to the Reg-u-lar rock pile and grab another rock.
Zamperini to Travolta’s hill for:
Run down to the light at the end of the tunnel, 5 burpees, backward uphill to your rock for 10 OHP
Repeat for 4,3,2,1 burpees and the rest remains.
We’re running out of time… return the rocs and mosey on back to COT.
Recover X 2
Naked Moleskin:
1.  After his recent 50K, The Hall Monitor graced us with his presence and relayed some good lessons learned from his experience.  His immediate desire to go out and do it again speaks volumes.  T-claps to you, bro!
2. For having knee problems, Mega-phone sure held his own on this one, including running back home.
3. Jenny appears to be a born runner and was generous enough to wait for Toxic on the burpee hill exercise.  I saw him try to hide a yawn as he “listened” to Toxic do what he does best- talk BS.
4.  Ponch, after teaching new cadets recently, decided to forego the IPC, as having full function of his knees is mission critical in his line of work.  This was a better choice.  And we’re better company than those damn newbies anyway.  Right?
5. Toxic- well, what can I say?  Seriously.  We did ZERO walk the planks and ZERO dot the I and ZERO uphill walk crabs.  And all of that was GREAT!
6. Thanks for posting, gents.  It was a perfect morning to do that.