IPC2021 Week 1: Revenge Of The Bunnies

It's finally here! Week 1 of IPC 2021! And it had all the bunnies. 14 men took on the challenge and murdered those rabbits. Here's what we did:

The Murder Bunny Thang

Round 1

  • 800 meter run 
  • 25 yard murder bunny
  • 10 shoulder tap merkins (merkin-tap each shoulder is one rep) 
  • 25 yard reverse murder bunny 
  • 20 blockees with a thruster 
  • 25 yard murder bunny 
  • 10 shoulder tap merkins  
  • 25 yard reverse murder bunny

Round 2 

  • 800 meter run 
  • 25 yard murder bunny 
  • 10 shoulder tap merkins  
  • 25 yard reverse murder bunny
  • 20 horizontal burpee block jumpover (20 total jumps). Block is laying flat.
  • 25 yard murder bunny 
  • 10 shoulder tap merkins
  • 25 yard reverse murder bunny

Round 3

  • 800 meter run 
  • 25 yard murder bunny 
  • 10 shoulder tap merkins
  • 25 yard reverse murder bunny
  • 20 vertical burpee block jumpover (20 total jumps). Block is standing up on one end.
  • 25 yard murder bunny 
  • 10 shoulder tap merkins
  • 25 yard reverse murder bunny


  • Swing State led the pack and crushed it. Nan'tan strong.
  • Everyone else finished between 30 and 40 minutes. Good stuff!
  • YHC proctored which meant walking around and talking. It was weird. Would not recommend and probably won't do it next week.

Until we meet again next week! – CB