Iron pax challenge week 2 bailey rd park

Event Date

Sep 14, 2019


Warm up/ stretch 

the thang

10 Cinder block burpees, 20 cinder block shoulder presses, 30 Cinder block swings, 40 Cinder block goblet squats, 50 incline merkins on Cinder block

4 Laps around the track

repeat exercises

3 laps

repeat exercises

2 laps

repeat exercises

1 final lap

mary: none


-ram rod and hoodie met us in the parking lot and decided to rather run a standard

-Yosemite thanks from bringing the Cinder blocks

-stapler thanks from bringing some music

-rocket came to check out our workout and decide to rather play some jolly ball

-great job guys, especially pushing it on the last lap