Iron PAX Challenge Week 3 – SVU Style

Event Date

Aug 21, 2018


12 Men showed for some cross AO love this morning…FNG-1 is Struedel and FNG-2 is Flip

05:29:45—The AO that normally starts 5 minutes late didn't seem to want to wait the last 15 seconds for the Q (must have been really excited for what was to come).

SSH (IC) x 30

05:30:ish—Disclaimer…deflect late jokes…and let's go (again)


SSH (IC) x 20

Ray Finkles (IC) x 5 each leg

Arm Circles—little forward, liitle back, big forward, big back, OH clap (IC) x 10, keep them up, Forward clap (IC) x 10, keep em up, Backwards clap got some looks.

Copperhead Squats (IC) x 10

Mosey to back and grab a block


Unbeknowngst to most of the PAX, YHC delivered Week 3 of the Iron PAX challenge to SVU.

F3 Greenwood has challenged F3 Nation to a 4 week challenge this month. They release the workout each Sunday and you can post your times or reps to the site and see where you stack up. It's not really about winning as much as finding that rabbit or Stang that pushes you and go after it. I appreciate those of you that have particapted and pushed YHC in this challenge and look forward to those that join for the last installment next week. Next Tuesday 0530 at Mustang.

30 Minute timer—You vs You

Decending BOJ Burpee ladder starting at 15, followed by a 50 count exercise choosing from three flavors, 10 yard Broad jump out and back repeato.

(15) BOJ Burpees

(50) Hand Release Merkins

(10) Yard Broad jump out and back

14 BOJ Burpees

50 Goblet Squats w/ block

10 Yard Broad jump out and back

13 BOJ Burpees

50 Leg raises to 90 degrees with extended block hold

12 BOJ Burpees, so on and so on

Return your blocks


Sprinkled in with all the leg raises


2 Corinthians 5:7

"We walk by faith, not by sight."

Fitting to replace "walk" with "live" as well. Sight guides us through the world, which can drive our decisions. However, we don't always see the truth. Our sight only shows us the surface of things. It can hide the wonderful things HE has prepared for us.



prayer out


-Thanks to brother Vortex to give YHC the Q spot. His workouts never disappoint and hopefully this morning's delivered the same.

-ZERO mumblechatter…did we find the perfect workout?!? #NoComplaints

-A certain brother not to be named, but occasionally arrives very late on a very, very squeaky bike, did not want to give the Q his full 60 seconds to get prepared:-)

-Tclaps to all that tackled this as you all pushed someone

-Mater promises more burpees at Mustang tomorrow (for those of you on the fence)

-Brief cameo by the Denver of the East BRR Team. They didn't hang around long after seeing what was taking place.  Had all intentions of including them on the BB if they had only stayed around for the COT.  Also, next time please YELL a disclaimer if you roll up in minimal clothing. #SoMuchSkin #MyEyes … In all seriousness those guys are killing it and logging some serious miles and pace.  #Beasts

-Someone bring an iPad to the next installment of SVU so Streudel and Flip can register on the site.

-Q spots are filling at Mustang next month. If you have never Q'ed or don't get to enough, get on the website(yes we have one) or ask someone to sign you up.

-Tomorrow at Mustang and Thursday at SVU are the last two pickup dates for our School supply drive. Bring supplies or cash if you feel led to give. Thanks to all of you who have donated thus far.

Always a pleasure to lead, and be led my you fine men.
