Iron Pax Week 2 – Making our Fudge Rounds

Event Date

Sep 11, 2019


Welcome Lego to F3Davidson!

5 strong today at the Davidson College track for Week 2 of the Ironpax Challenge. Gotti had the Q and got there early to help me unload the coupons at the track. Kachow, Lego, Stumjumper also posted. I think they came for the Little Debbies and stayed for the workout. Either way a ridiculously stellar crew for the challenge…I thought about just proctoring and witnessing greatness. 

Week 2 was tough. Not as tough as Week 1, but sounds like YHC is in the minority with that opinion. May have held back and paced myself a bit more this week, compared to last as well. 

Still a nice beat down and was glad it was over by the end. Wished it was over about 2/3 of the way through. And that last 400 is a gasser no matter how you get there.

Nice work by all, pretty sure all the guys except myself held perfect form the entire time! A sight to see.

Week 3 is only a few days away, get excited!!

