IronPAX Challenge Redux – Oh yes we did!

Event Date

Oct 12, 2019




10 IC Windmills

10 IC forward arm circles

10 IC reverse arm circles



The Q enjoyed the four weeks of the Iron PAX Challenge so much that he crafted a workout made up of one round from each week.    

ROUND 1/Week 1 (90 reps, 60 yds covered)

10 yd broad jump

10 burpees

10 Bonnie Blairs

10 sit-ups

10 yd broad jump

10 burpees

10 Bonnie Blairs

10 sit-ups

10 yd broad jump

10 burpees

10 Bonnie Blairs

10 sit-ups

30 yd bear crawl back to start


ROUND 2/Week 2 (150 reps/800 meters covered)

10 man-makers (burpee w/ block)

20 shoulder press w/ block

30 kettlebell swings w/ block

40 goblet squat w/ block

50 block incline merkins

Run 800 meters around the entire parking lot


ROUND 3/Week 3 (100 reps)

10 pull-ups/negatives

15 burpees over block

20 block curls

25 block squat thrusters

30 reverse crunch


ROUND 4/Week 4 (300 reps, 600 yds covered)

100 merkins AND/OR Squats

Block carry 200 yds around practice field

100 block swings AND/OR Bonnie Blairs

Block carry 200 yds around practice field

100 squat thrusters AND/OR traveling lunges

Block carry 200 yds around practice field

When finished, loop back around and pick someone up, do the reps with them/for them.


Return to launch pad.



Proverbs 27:17 ESV

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Ecclesiastes 4:10-12 ESV

For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

There was a lot of chatter this week amongst the F3Denver community about what we could do to make sure everyone is getting what they want/need from F3.  There are many benefits that I receive from F3 but the two things that have been constant and the main motivators to keep me coming out are Accountability and Encouragement. 

There are too many people to even count that have pushed me, pulled me and even called me out, when needed.  We need to make sure that we are not only open to receiving that input, but make sure that we aren’t afraid to provide it, as well. 

To my brothers that have been absent more often than not lately, please know that you are sorely missed.  You know that you need us but I need you to know that WE need YOU.



  • PAX was overjoyed when The Thang was announced </sarcasm>.  The Q may or may not have feared for his safety while delivering the instructions.
  • Two crazy PAX actually did this with rucks on!!  I won’t mention their names but they rhyme with Zefty and Hiploc.
  • Q wasn’t sure how long it would take to finish all four rounds.  Ended up going over by a just few minutes, resulting in some CDA (coffeeteria delay anger)
  • Despite a lot of grumbling (usually Sonar’s domain), the effort put forth was top-notch.  Scalability was available but minimized as everyone pushed hard through this one.
  • Rumor has it that the Q had the biggest Weinke anyone had ever seen.
  • Coffeeteria was well-attended at both Chik-fil-A and Cabbella’s
  • Sonar has multiple copies of “Freed to Lead” available for those that haven’t had the opportunity to read it.  Sometimes, the ‘old-timers’ forget that some of the newer folks may not know the story of how all of this got started.   This book helped me verbalize, to others, what F3 brings to my life and why I need it so much.  I highly encourage everyone who hasn’t read it to do so.  Just let me know you want a copy and I’ll get one to you – my treat.
  • As always, it is truly an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just to be part of this thing we call F3.